Monday, August 8, 2022


   Relax your body. Breathe in. Concentrate on your breath. On the inhale say "let." On the exhale say "go." Let...Go.....Guided meditation

Here I am again. Thoughts swirl through my mind. Hang on. I gotta pee. Okay. Wait the volume is to low. Okay. Now. Wait. To loud. Alright. Relax. Dang my hand is tingling again and my leg is uncomfortable. Alright. Now. my eyes are closed. My meditation mask is over my eyes. Monkey mind is quieting down. Body slowing down. Stop. No thought. Just be. Just let the thoughts go by. Stop trying to figure it out.

Finally. Watching the thoughts. Calling to you. Remembering who I am. Understanding what I can't put into words without them sounding silly and religious and new agey. NO Thought. No words can explain. Just be.

I can't be destroyed because I didn't start with the body. You can't lose me because I'm literally a part of you. But, how do I come to your presence? Some come as if you are a stern parent or school teacher and they are a naughty child. Some come as if you are a stern judge and they are guilty of criminal offense. Some think this whole thing is a mistake of random chance and one day the organism will evolve until it destroys itself signifying nothing and finally there will be only oblivion unless or until another mistake happens and some other organism evolves towards oblivion.

I Am! That's all there is. I AM. No beginning and no ending. I'm a part of you. Not an adopted child because I say the magic words of a scripture. Not a cosmic by product of nothing producing nothing. I can't be lost like an old man losing a penny out of his pocket. 

Grateful. Thankful. Being. 

Meditation is over. My butt itches. I have to go to the bathroom. I need to make sure people like me. Do I have enough money? What time is it? I'm feeling horny, old, tired, bored, sick, healthy. Now what was I doing a little while ago? Meditating? Well. Maybe I'll do it again and maybe I can remember the state where I'm eternal and not afraid. But, right now I have to make sure I'm in control.

Make sure my religion is spread to everyone else. That my political party has power and that the world is still going. After all it depends on me and my religious and political values. Right? 

Just Breathe.

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