Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The soul that
rises with us, our life’s star, hath had elsewhere it’s setting, and cometh
from afar, not in entire forgetfulness, and not in utter nakedness, but
trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home: William
Wordsworth “Immortality.”
I love sports and good books and classic rock. I love
beautiful women and good old shoot em ups at the movies. I enjoy watching the
sky at night and seeing the stars, planets and satellite’s along with the moon
which I seem to find endlessly fascinating. Coffee in the morning my wife’s
smile before I go to bed my son rushing quickly through the house saying a
quick hi on the way to computer mysteries and endeavors I know little to
nothing about. Simple things like playing my guitar (however badly) and
plunking at the piano. Putting in the Eagles on the cd player in my 20 year old
truck or at times putting on Foghat playing “Slow Ride” as loud as I can and
screaming out the lyrics and feeling
about 40 years younger for a few minutes. Thinking about the most beautiful girl in the world
from that era (no I won’t say who) and besides I’m a happily married fat little
old man now and glad to be here.
I think about my grandparents who raised me and the dark
haired spitfire that was my mother and in who I still look at times and see
just a little of that person in the gray haired little old lady who talks
mostly about God and my sister these days.
I think about my Dad who I reconnected with due to the magic of facebook
in these later years and all the years missed due to hurt and silly ego and the
human condition.
I lost a friend who was more of a brother than a friend this
year to early onset dementia and finally his body just stopped. I wonder where
he is now. I know he wasn’t always there during the illness and I like to think
he is free now and fully himself again.
I think of bike rides
around Walnut Park which was the best neighborhood in Alabama City which was
the best part of Gadsden, Alabama growing up. I think of hot asphalt and dirt
country roads in the little coal town of Altoona, Alabama and girls and beer
and a little smell of pot on hot southern nights. Hearing Queen or Nazareth or
once it got cranked up Lynyrd Skynyrd.
I say all that to say this. I love life. I have seen good
and bad. I’ve seen the time when I was so afraid to put my debit card in a gas
pump because I wasn’t sure there was enough on it to get gas and seeing it
declined would put a hole in my stomach and a funk on my soul. I’ve seen times
when $100 was not a problem and if I lost it I would hardly miss it. I’ve seen
empty cupboards and full pantries and I’ve felt the sky topping soul soaring
feeling of that “new job” or finally a good paycheck. This past year I experienced heart failure
and complications from surgery that looked like it might take me out and I
experienced healing from an incredible medical team in repairing the leak of
the new valve that replaced the leaky old valve. It gave me a different view of rich and poor.
Although, I still don’t recommend poverty as a lifestyle I found out that good
health tops all.
I have often felt over the years that this world is a pale
reflection of my real home. With all of it’s wonder and love and hope. With the
tragedy and sorrow and injustice. The lust and the desire and the needs of life. I fought to stay in this
world when I was sick. I struggled to draw that next breath and prayed my
thankfulness when I inhaled and felt my lungs expand. Thank you Jesus, God the
Holy Spirit and the whole universe. Thank you science and technology and
evolution and all the ships at sea. It felt like heaven to breathe again and
not feel my life force slipping away with every labored breath. So, I’m not
knocking this world. This isn’t a self righteous rant of how I’m a pure spirit
and have no fear of death. It also isn’t an admission of secret atheism and
fear of physical death either. I learned or had it reinforced in me that health
is the key to contentment. I can face death so much better when I’m well. It’s
not the dying now that scares me so much. Like Woody Allen once said “I don't mind
death. I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” Well I don’t mind death
so much since it’s a constant in this world the same as birth. I just don’t
want to suffer endless bad health along the way.
I am in my 6th decade on this earth. I have some
life experience and some lucid dreams and even what I believe to be past life memories.
I have no desire to prove my theology to anybody else. I have no desire to
listen to anybody trying to convert me to the fire and brimstone faith of my
upbringing. I been there and have the
t-shirt. I also have no need and no desire to hear an atheist tell me that it’s
a wonderful journey even though in a very real sense it means nothing at the
end. It just all ends in nothingness praise Darwin and Dawkins. I have no religion
these days except to treat people the way I want to be treated. I more often
than not treat people the way they treat me. But, my belief is to treat
everybody the way I would want to be treated.
I find great peace and spiritual and mental resources in
prayer and meditation. I find that in my sixth decade of this journey I don’t
try so hard to prove I’m right or justify myself in anybody else’s eyes. I also
don’t demand anybody else justify themselves in my eyes. Do I still feel some things are worth fighting for? Yes. But,
I’m not much of a joiner or follower these days. I no longer believe in a one
size fits all religion or political movement.
When it comes to social issues like universal health care
and shelter and clothing and food I’m absolutely liberal. When it comes to
abortion I’m reluctantly pro choice not because I think abortion is a holy
right of womanhood. But, simply because unless you are going to provide care
and shelter to the mother and the child until the child is completely grown
then you are pro birth and that isn’t pro life anyway. Also, it’s the woman’s responsibility.
I hate abortion but the truth is as some wise woman once said “If men got
pregnant you could get an abortion out of a vending machine.” I do believe gay people should have the right
to marry and leave their belongings to whoever they choose as long as it’s
consenting adults.
On the other hand I’m very conservative on some issues. I
don’t buy the victimhood game these days. Everybody want’s their 15 minutes of
victimhood. Grow the hell up. I think Bernie Sanders would bankrupt the nation
and if you can’t see Donald Trump is an asshole and has limited mental capacity
then I’m sorry. You’re just willfully blind.
If you have a penis you are a man
I can’t help how much makeup and dresses you wear. If you have a vagina then
you are female and cutting off all your hair and putting on a suit won’t change
that. You have to go to the bathroom? It’s a freaking non issue and most of us
know that. I never look in a stall to make sure the person using it has the
right equipment and unless you make an issue of it I’ve never seen the police
called to check on the biology of the person in the next stall. God, we strain
at gnats and swallow camels in this society. So, if I have to choose I’ll be
over here on the left with the liberals. But, I will still cringe at the self righteous
identity politics and the silly culture wars of the left.
Still, I’m from Bama
and I’ve seen the far right wing keep a whole state poor and fighting with each
other while the politicians get richer. I’m sure right wing folks can point to
Detroit or California to show what far left wing politics can do. So, choose
your side I guess. But, don’t try to convert, bully or belittle me for not
thinking like you do. I will give you the same privilege.
All in all I’m just trying to navigate life without harming
anybody else along the way and being true to myself and my journey during this
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