Friday, July 20, 2018

Why I'm not an atheist or a religious fundi.

 A facebook friend from Britain who is also a gifted author and researcher posted this on his wall and it got me to thinking. Now, this wasn’t the whole thing and he is not an atheist at least not to my knowledge. But, it is the single most brutally honest definition of atheistic materialism I have yet read. He isn’t a materialist but was talking about the dogma of materialism. The quote:

  “You cease to exist.

What this means is that everything about you, all your hopes dreams, loves, hates, all are for nothing. You will never meet your loved ones ever again.

For billions of years you did not exist and for billions of years you will not exist. In effect something existed for a vanishingly small amount of time when taking into account the age of the universe, this something perceived something and then disappeared as if it never existed at all. It spent this small amount of time believing it had some form of inner existence, but, if modern science is to be believed, these “perceptions” were simply an accidental outcome of blind evolution; an “epiphenomenon” of brain processes.

There was no point to this life other than its short existence.

Morality and humanity have no meaning in this scenario. This life could have been lived in an orgy of brutality and nastiness or in a caring, loving way. The universe is totally indifferent to this. Indeed, in such a scenario the only rational approach to this short life is a life of hedonism and self-gratification and/or suicide, which is the only way that such a creature can really take any control in a deterministic and indifferent universe rapidly moving to a state of total heat-death.

Nothing matters and life is pointless. Then you die and that is it.”…Anthony Peake from a much longer post on life and death.


The above captures my feelings about atheism in its entirety and is the main reason that I’m not an atheist. I truly believe the universe is sane even if insanity happens within it. A pointless soulless universe in my opinion would not be a sane or even desirable universe. Neither from an evolutionary or spiritual point of view. Certainly not from a personal lifetime view. Mr. Peake also takes on the traditional heaven and hell of fundamentalist religion. While I agree that the static heaven or hell for eternity based on our few earth minutes also makes little sense. I no longer hold that view but I also don’t try to convert people who do. One of my views of God is If you can totally define God then you should write with a little “g” since the source of all being isn’t a creature in the created universe. If Satan is Lex Luthor to God’s Superman  then God isn’t God he’s god. But, that’s getting into theology and I don’t want to do that here.  However, there is still room to let Deity out of the box and retain the teachings of Christianity without falling in to the one size fits all of American (which I am) Evangelical (Which I’m not) teaching. Still I don’t think I can honestly use the term Christian in the evangelical use and be honest. I prefer Jesus Follower or maybe even just spiritual these days. Maybe just simply “I’m me and I have my journey and I don’t know all the answers would be more honest.”  

I recommend the novel the movie “What Dreams May Come” by Richard Mathewson is based on. The book and not the movie. An accounting of our life on earth and a sterile pointless heaven or hell? No, I agree that isn’t likely. But, if the afterlife is at least as fluid as this one then we have no reason to think we can’t go forward or backwards or sideways just like we do here.  I don’t prescribe to any guru or book or one size fits all explanation of life. But, the idea that we gravitate to the people and places our spirit is at home with in the next life makes sense to me. One day I will try a better explanation of my thoughts on the subject of life after death.  As for reincarnation I have some thoughts on that since I honestly do lean or gravitate towards that in a general or non dogmatic way.

as an adult with some past life memory and having meditated and found some possible patterns in my life I don’t think reincarnation has made me a totally different being and I do lean towards the concept although not the religious views of reincarnation.  To say it’s disconnected would be to say that just because I don’t remember spilling my baby food down my chin as an infant means it has no relation to my being now. Of course it does. I’m the same “I AM” for want of a better term. Now, where I was born and what I experience in this lifetime absolutely affects my way of dealing with life and my personality. But, the “I AM” is not discontinued.  I am now in my sixth decade of this life’s journey. I have had heart surgery and the little pains and things of my youth that I could happily ignore are now signs that my doctor says I have to pay attention to.

The road before me isn’t as long as the road behind me in this life. Somedays that’s hard to get my mind around . But, on the other hand it has given me a certain freedom. At work when the little emergencies pop up and OMG moments from Montgomery or local management I’m able to take a breath and breathe and even smile. It can run the powers that be crazy but that’s also a bonus. It’s also a strength when I hear people argue politics and just so stories be they conservative or liberal. It’s not that I don’t care it’s just that you have to take a step back and if a stand really needs to be made then you make it. If not then don’t waste your breath trying to convert somebody who refuses to be converted.

But, the main thing is my thought that the universe isn’t insane even if insane things happen. My hope is in my knowledge that it does matter and there is a place where I can become fully myself and allow others the same hope.

One of my favorite passages in the bible is Psalms 87:7. Depending on the version you read it may be worded slightly differently. But, I love what it means to me. “All My Fountains Are In You.”  That’s my greatest strength. Even in times of pondering my own mortality I believe there is a better more real place that I come from and that I go back to. A source which some call God and some call Spirit and some call consciousness and some call ground of all being. I no longer see that source in a Sunday School version but I still have my inner dialog and I know the universe is sane.

I agree with Martin Luther King Jr. “The arc of the moral universe is long. But, it finally bends towards justice.


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