Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Things I don't put on my facebook wall because my wall is kind of like my den at home. It's a place for peace and talking about possibilities and hopes and sharing good books, movies and pop culture along with some jokes. But, my blog is like my man cave. It's a no bullshit zone. I settle into my favorite chair in my underwear and have a brew and enjoy life and talk about what I really think or what really has my interest at the time. I love some folks who like Donald Trump and conservative politics and I try to have a friendly facebook wall. I have some friends who are so liberal that it makes me want to burn my ACLU card if I had one. So, I try to enjoy facebook and share a laugh and interest. But, here? This is where I let my hair down. At least I would if I had any hair.

Quick mini social work rant: NO! But hell no your problems are not due to Mexicans coming to America and receiving thousands of dollars in benefits just for crossing the border. They also are not due to poor women having 18 babies (i actually heard this 2day) and receiving bundles of free money. Sheesh people grow up. Ya know if you would stop pounding the anti abortion drums then you ...oh wait that would be a sin. But, letting them starve and be sick once they get here? Not so much. Sheesh! Between the silly liberal "woke" chit and the heartless conservative selfish "not with my taxes crap" I just despair of the human race. Now. Deep breath. I'm done. Thanks for listening.

I’m working and a nurse an actual #$%&* nurse who should know better starts blaming illegals because an old veteran can’t get in a nursing home without paying or having the state seize his property for Medicaid. Now, I understand that it’s a shame when a person works their whole life and can’t leave land and bank accounts to their own children when they are at the end of life and can’t stay by themselves. But, Illegals? Really? If it were not for illegals the “state” excuse me while I belly laugh. Anyway, the state could afford to pay for free nursing homes for veterans. Really? Wow, so the nursing homes instead must be full of illegal Mexican old people getting free health care on the American taxpayers dime. Sheesh. When I explained that here in the great state of Alabama we have been Republican led for generations and a republican Gov’na Mistah Robert Bentley refused federal funds for Medicaid while funneling money to his mistress I was met by a blank stare. When I point out that GOP Led Aladamnbama is among the highest in infant mortality rates and lowest in education and has a high poverty rate I am met by a blank stare. Oh, but if I tell em Obama is outside with the black panthers about to take over the guvment. That they would believe. Sheesh!

Donald Trump misspoke from his written notes (and they got all over Obama over a teleprompter) and didn’t mean to say Putin is his daddy. But, Putin is his daddy. J Honestly, I try I really try. But, I have a problem understanding how my fellow southerners who have waved the flag and pounded the bible for so many years can support this pig with a straight face. The man wouldn’t piss on em if they were on fire. He took a Medal of Honor from an actual veteran and smirked with his fat mouth and said “I always wanted one of these” and put it in his draft dodging pocket and the conservatives cheered for him. Can you imagine if Bill Clinton had of done that? He mocked a man who was a prisoner of war and called other veterans losers for getting caught. He mocked a disabled man and then didn’t have the guts to own up to it. He sent his “best wishes” when Americans were gunned down. Honestly, the man’s a mental midget. His own wife (who at least was honest enough to admit she married him because he is rich) won’t even hold his hand in public. He has affairs with porn stars and pays em off but Frankie Graham (who has smeared his father’s good name) calls him a baby Christian. Trump however, has not really ever embraced Christian ethics or beliefs he just panders to the useful idiots of the far right.

Woke: I am so tired of little twats of about 22-25 years of age telling me I’m white splaining or privileged. I saw a little Asian college aged student crying on the internet because some jerk called her an (get ready for it) An Eggroll! OMG! She broke down. The horror! I also saw where a multi million dollar basketball player said it was tough to be a black man in America. Really? You live in a gated mansion and have servants and adoring people everytime you walk outside and never have to  deal with the rabble. Yeah, you got it tough. I’ll have to remind my white neighbor who lost his job and almost lost his home how good he has it because at least he’s white. I’ll have to tell the next client at work not to worry about not having rent or food or a vehicle or clothes for her baby. Because at least she’s not black like that poor oppressed multi millionaire athlete. The last time I looked the Asian’s and Hispanics and Arabs all came to this country for the same reasons my Shanty Irish Ancestors did. For opportunity. Now, black folks? Yeah they were brought in chains. But, the rest of y’all need to grow the fuck up! Getting called names? OMG! I’ve been called stuff that would cause some of these poor oppressed rich kids to go into the fetal position in the corner. The real divide in America is MONEY! If you have it you are privileged and can do whatever you want to do. If you don’t? Then you fucked.

Religion: I am so over religion. I do have my own beliefs and I’m not an atheist by any stretch of anybody’s imagination. But, this one size fits all religion is silly. Puh-leese if your God got kicked oout of school then you need to start spelling it with a little “g” because the actual ground of all being can’t be kicked anywhere.

Abortion: I do understand. I really do. The ultra libs want to act like taking a baby from the womb and stopping it’s heart beat is a holy rite of womanhood. On the other hand the ultra right want’s  to act as if once a baby is born unless it marches lockstep with them then it’s a libtard anyway and can be treated with disdain. Ultimately, it’s a woman’s decision about bringing a person into this world. Stop sugar coating it as a “right of feminism” or passage. But, understand that if you are going to cut social programs and not provide birth control and have a “let em eat cake attitude” then mind you own business.

Religion Part 2: You are not God and your scripture may or may not be correct so live your own life. Some of us are tired of some of you trying to run a country on 2 to 6000 year old translated writings based on Jewish dietary laws and long forgotten conflicts and myths. The bible isn’t one whole book. It was translated and passed down word of mouth and finally some guys from Rome in funny hats decided what you call “approved scripture.” I have found and still find much inspiration in the Psalms and Prophets but don’t try to run everybody else’s life on your religion.


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