Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Against Trump and Political Correctness. In other words "Get off my Cloud."

I have gotten so tired of all the political back and forth lately. I’ve read some on WW11 and there is a book called “In the Garden of Beasts” by Eric Larson that I highly recommend. This is the most recent book from that time that I've read. This author also has a really good one called “The Devil in the White City” about the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair” But, “In the Garden of Beasts” really gives me pause these days with all the yelling of Nazi on both the left and the right. One of the reasons that I’m not in the Trump is a Nazi camp is that I recently read this book. On the other hand some other people who have read it absolutely think it has a correlation. Now, to be sure this book has absolutely nothing to do with the current administration. It was originally published around 7 years ago and so the author was certainly not concerned with 2018’s white house occupant.

The book does a really good job of showing the lukewarm American response and even the Anti Semite prejudiced view of officials in the good ole U.S.A. in the 1930’s and 40’s. Chilling really because the casual racism towards the Jews of that era also reminded me of the casual racism towards black people in the 50’s and 60’s. That it was coming from Washington and the halls of power made it more chilling. Just some insight on another reason that America and the world were slow to act while Hitler worked on his “Jewish Problem.”

But, it also is one reason I don’t see Trump as a Nazi. Now, would he have fit in? Yes. Would he love to be a dictator Nazi or otherwise? I believe so yes. But, he’s not and not likely to be. Also, it takes a very massive ego and a bit of narcissism to even rise to the level of the presidency. I don’t care if your name is Trump, Obama, Clinton or Bush. Maybe that was Jimmy Carter’s problem. He seems to be the only one of the bunch that didn’t do a good job of manifesting his “inner bastard.” 

Anyway, in Berlin they were not making fun of Nazi’s on late night TV. There were no mass protests against old white men and it wasn’t politically correct and you would get no pat on the head (maybe a bullet to the brain, but not a pat on the head) for being critical of leadership. They did caricature and lie about the Jewish people and that part reminds me of how the refugees are treated. But it also reminds me of (gasp) how certain groups treat white people. I know I'm not allowed to say  that these days. But, I just did. But, I digress. Did you know that Jews were stopped and denied entrance at the border while trying to flee the Nazi’s and if they made it to the U.S. or to other nations (yeah, that meant they had to be on a boat or a plane or have rich family in the states that would fund their flight) they were often denied entrance? Anyway, so yeah that part bothers me. So, what’s different? How am I defending Trump's polices then? Well, I’m not defending Trump. I think he’s indefensible. But, I am saying that Trump supporters are caricatured and spit on and denied service at establishments and that my friend's would not have worked in Nazi Germany. So, Trump supporters are no Nazi’s because they support Trump. Now a Nazi might support Trump but that doesn’t make your Trump supporting neighbor a Nazi. Just as a white hating black panther (and if someone  tells you the  black panthers were a peaceful civil rights group then they are lying through their teeth. Do some research) supporting Obama doesn’t make me or other Democrats a black panther just because we supported Obama.

So, back away from the cliff. Calling me a baby killer because I’m pro choice isn’t going to cause me not to vote Democrat the next election. I intend to vote straight ticket Democrat. But, calling a republican a baby kidnapper and a nazi isn’t going to stop them from voting straight GOP the next election. So, should we say nothing? Of course not. Vote, protest  and boycott to your little hearts content. But, stop cursing and yelling and trying to shame people into being left or right wing robots.

I’m left of center politically but I have absolutely no white guilt. I have no use for the woke movement and all lives matter to me. I’m not interested in debating it an playing semantics with 25 year olds who yell privileged at me when they would be curled up in the corner in the fetal position if they had to experience my youth from back in the day. So, grow up and treat each other with respect and we can change the world. But, keep calling each other names and trying to normalize radical Islam and hateful rhetoric towards anybody be they white, black or Hispanic and see where that gets you. Poor people have more in common than they do with rich people of their same skin pigmentation. But, poor whites are voting against their own self interest and it makes me sick. But, yelling racist at them doesn't appear to be working. So, maybe there is another way. Some of them will maybe learn the hard way. But, alienating them from the social justice table isn't working and it's hypocritical. Just like they are in my humble opinion.

I do find it idiotic that if I say right wing Christians are nuts (and many of them are in my opinion) I get a pat on the head. But, if I point out the anti female and homosexual hate of Islam then I’m called a racist. So, no Christians you are not under assault in the U.S. it’s just that it’s okay in this nation to question religion. But, what’s not okay is to have one religion (Islam) off limits to questioning. Also, people of color is not a race folks. The black experience in the U.S. is not the same as the Asian experience or the Mexican experience.  May be some similarities but they are not the same. One  group (guess which one?) was brought over mostly in chains. The other’s came here for the same reason my Irish ancestors did. They were looking for a better life. Now their mileage varies on the results. But, individuals deserve respect along the journey and acting like all white people are rich and racist and all people of color are noble and victims is not really going  to bring about the arch of justice that Martin Luther King Jr. talked about.  

So, honestly I don’t care who you vote for or what your religion is. You have absolutely no authority over me because you quote ancient laws from thousands of years ago from your Bible or your Koran. We are not now and I hope we never are a theocracy. But, I will defend your right to express your own views as long as you are not oppressing mine. I will also talk civilly to you about race, religion and politics as long as you are civil to me. But, if you call me a libtard or a snowflake or a racist homophobe right wing inbred then I will tell you to fuck off. Fair enough?


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