Sunday, October 30, 2022

Review Ink Black Heart


Really good story. Draws you in. Well developed characters. I thought I had the bad guy figured out. But, I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. So good job of story development. 

Cons: as an American from the South that accent from the narrator was horrible. He seemed to be trying for a cross between a redneck version of Scarlett O'hara and a cultured Forrest Gump. But that's minor since it was thankfully a passing tourist whose character wasn't a part of the actual storyline. The other was the stupid beep that Audible chose to insert the couple of places where the N word was mentioned in context of the story. Pulled me right out of the story. I also wondered what the genius censors would do with Mark Twain! Lord help us. 

Finally I have seen some silly statements about racist and transphophic gripes about this book. Good God! Do people even read before they review something? This had zero to do with that particular culture war. I guess if you are determined to find fault then you can't let the truth get in your way. 

This is a great series. I was hesitant at first due to Rowling haven written the Potter books. But, she is excellent in any story she tells so this is highly recommended. Unlike most "detective" type mysteries this is a long book and yet it is extremely well paced. 5 stars for the book. 3 & 1/2 for the narration. 

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