Back in the early 80's or could have been late 1970's I found myself in my early 20's pondering life and it's meaning. Seeing as how there were times I wasn't stoned on wacky terbacky or drunk on Miller Time. At these times my childhood religion would kick in and I would ponder what it was all about.
Right around this time of becoming skeptical about my religion and yet not ready for the cold dead senseless embrace of atheism I came across a book called "Out on a Limb" by Shirley McClain. It didn't change my whole life But it did kind of jump start my thought process to at least ponder that if I lost my old time religion that didn't mean meaningless atheism was my eventual stop.
Spoiler Alert: i'm neither religiously dogmatic or atheistic after all these years. But, I digress.
Later in life and no longer young I came across another book by Shirley McClain. A much older woman now. I'd say she's at least my mother's age. This book was called as far as I remember "I'm over all That " She explained that over the years she has begun to chill out over trivial matters and stopped worrying as much about being thought of as beautiful or young, smart or trying to convert anyone else to her way of seeing the world.
Again. Her book didn't change my life But it did get me to thinking. I certainly agree with her. Yelling and arguing and trying to beat people over the head is stupid. It could get you beat up and it can certainly destroy relationships. So I'm over all That. You love Trump or Biden. Liberal or conservative. Atheist or Christian. American or British. African or Asian. Just be you.
So I find myself trying to be more comfortable with my own self and just being who I am and understanding that everyone I meet isn't going to instantly love me or share my worldview. Idiots I know. But whatcha gonna do?
So I'm looking around and thinking about life here in my mid going on later 60's. I think about stuff I truly believe in. I don't know all the secrets of the universe but I do know some stuff.
My dog will not understand that the door closed on her tail through no fault of mine the other day. But she still loves me.
My car insurance went up just because I hit my 60's. So All state doesn't really love me.
Did you know as you get older you're more likely to fart if you stand up fast after eating burgers and fries?
I found out the other day that a lady bug has more common sense than a prominent pop scientist. No really. True story. This dude assured people that the only thing that mattered was getting stuff in this life and that we should be awed that we are nothing more than a chemical reaction marching towards oblivion.
However, there was a little lady bug on the inside of my windshield. The window on the other side was open. This little lady bug on feeling the air and seeing the sunshine slowly made it's way towards hope. So to me the little bug held hope and that particular scientist had nothing but oblivion. Well for his own sake and mine I hope he's wrong. I'm on the bugs side in this one.
My cat was sitting in my lap the other day. I was petting him and he pulled in his claws before he batted me. So I know my cat loves me.
My wife must love me because I can be a grouch and I often leave the toilet seat up. She puts it down and rarely gripes. Much.
Did you know that as you get older young women start to smile at you again? It's often because you remind them of their dad or grandfather. But still. Take your wins where you can get them.
I think my house is haunted. The other day I was walking by a mirror. I saw this little old bald fat dude. I turned quickly but he was nowhere in sight. I covered the mirrors and burned sage and so far I haven't seen him again. But imma stay away from that mirror.
I'm trying to treat people the way I want to be treated. My biggest regrets are the times I was mean to people and animals or insensitive to How others were feeling.
Anyway. I'm just rambling.
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