Sunday, August 15, 2021

Billy Summers Book Review.


I've been a Constant Reader since I was 18 years old. I'm 64. 
 This is an above average novel. As a matter of fact if Dean Koontz (no offense intended) had written it i would call it a great story. For him and others including Michael Connely, John Sanford, ECT. But for King it's a good novel but not a unique Stephen King like vibe. This is the author who was elevated to the rarified air of rock star in his early career. Something unheard of back in the day. He well deserved it Because I remember thinking that nobody, nowhere could write like this. But somewhere along the way someone convinced him that he could write crime novels. Well, he can but, not all that well. I love film Noir and I enjoy reading a good police procedural. Stephen King can write a decent crime novel but it lacks the fire and unique voice of his early horror/Americana fiction.  Still if your looking for a decent Summer read this is a really good story. 

But (there have to be but's) Stephen king no longer seems to have the ability to write with any emphathy at all for conservative characters. Still, it's mild here compared to some of his recent political rants. I say this as a left of center Trump despising Southern Democrat. We do still exist. But. Like I say it's fairly mild. 

Stephen King these days reminds me of a love from my teenage years. She was incredibly gorgeous. I compared every other woman from my youth to her. They came up short. But, now? Even though she is even better character wise. She no longer turns heads in her 60's the way she did in her prime. Stephen King is like that now as a writer. Still better than most. I am still a Constant Reader. But, the passion and unique early to mid career King is a faded glory.

Here be mild spoilers:

The character of Alice while good and sympathetic is also forced into the story. It's highly unlikely that a man on the run would run out in his underwear to drag a girl into his apartment. Honestly? The guys looking for him in a mid size city wouldn't connect a date rape crime to a contract killers hide out. Did he go all over the neighborhood picking up after hoodlums and other distractions? Of course not. That would draw attention to himself. In reality he would call 9-11 at the most on his burner then make sure she was breathing and get the heck out Of Dodge. 

Also, who leaves a mad mob momma running around outside a mobsters gate with a gun while he cold cocks her baby boy after discretely" entering the mobsters lair? Not to mention (though I will) going to a store in a wig for feminine supplies while leaving a traumatized young woman in the apartment. 

In real life and even in fiction that would expose him to her running to the nearest police station or neighbor. Billy even thinks about it on the way to the store. Just a big plot hole not worthy of an author of Stephen Kings ability.

Still, as I said before. It's a good story. Plot holes and all.

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