Sunday, December 24, 2023

Brief notes on the journey.

 Autobiography of a Yogi 

 I met a man during my journey and some part of me recognized a fellow traveler. I read a book lightly but found wisdom that comforted my mind and challenged my doubts. I read of Father and Divine Mother. I read of men and women so deeply longing for God that religion couldn't contain them.

The journey so far:

  I sit and wonder not at my sin foisted upon me by some church or priest. But as a devine being of pure joy clothed in light who had forgotten what he truly is. I still remind myself that I'm not that. When i see cruelty, fear, evil or death. I'm not that. 

  I'm not strong or weak. I'm the eternal expression of all that will ever be. I'm not adopted in to a religion by the power of an organization. 

Early in the journey:

I had a dream. As a child. Now i'm old but i never forgot the dream. I was at the foot of a stair way. Someone said every time you take a step closer to God your foot will make a mark. I started up the stairs. I watched every step and every time i looked i saw an image of my foot left on the stairs. I reached the top and looked down and there was the image of my foot. I knew i belonged to God!

The more things change:

Through life i would hear preacher's and others tell me how to belong to God. How to be adopted as if i were ever apart from God. I believed them for a long time. But i never forgot the dream. I knew i belonged to God. 

First love:

I met a man. Religion covered his face from me. A great empire created myths and hijacked scriptures and translation. He became an impossibility for me due to the cruel ignorance and anger of religion. But he is an eternal expression of all that will ever be. I could still see his light.

That old time religion:

They said i killed him with my sin. But i knew i belonged to God and couldn't be the reason for the sinful, sick world that in ignorance and fear had rejected the light. He said. Look this life is so important that i joined in the dance. But where i come from is so much more that i experienced the death of this life to show you how to get home.

Stairway Home:

So here i am. I've lost so much and i'm old and my body is tired. I'm still wanting to join the dance but it doesn't seem as intense as it once did. I'm looking for a stairway. I'll know which one when i see it. It will  be the one with the stairs clearly marked.

What's life?:

So here i laugh and cry. Covet and lust. Struggle and play. Grow old and yet i still yell at football referees and baseball umpires. But somehow it's not quite as intense as it was. I think it's because i'm waiting for my eternal love to open up before me. 

Yadda, yadda, yadda:

I read some books. They spoke of souls or expressions of all that will ever be coming into the dance of earth to learn lessons. I don't know if that's true. I do know we seem to be walking each other home. Maybe we just keep doing that until we all arrive back to where we come from. Maybe the whole eternal infinite cosmos is our playground. I just don't know for sure. 

Many Mansions:

I know i belong to all that will ever be and in my father's house are many mansions. 

One hand clapping:

It's said that Buddha was a prince. Next in line to be king. But he wanted to see the world before he took his kingship. Once he saw how poor and oppressed people were. Disease ridden and killed he couldn't go back and live in his palace. He didn't become a Cynic or give up on hope. He sought God or enlightenment the rest of his life. 

Religion, religion, religion.

But through the centuries monk's and priests in robes decided they could translate Buddha's most intimate thoughts and wisdom and create the way to right thinking.

A priest a Rabbi and a monk walk...:

So I'm careful around religious dogma. I try to learn from wisdom that points me back to my own spiritual journey. But with religion always follow the money and/or the power and leverage. Listen but keep your own inner counsel. Or at least that's my advice to myself. 

Auld Lang Syne:

It's been a hard year. I've felt fear, uncertainty and here at the end a grief i could never have prepared for. So here's to 2024 but before i go. I want to bless the ones i've seemingly lost and Thank God i'll find them just as soon as i leave this dream world and enter back to where i come from. Where we all come from. 

I will survive:

I make no resolutions for the coming year except to hold on to hope and check every new day and evening for the path home.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

UFO's, Tuesday Weld & Rock and Roll

 Belief is the death of intelligence...Robert Anton Wilson

  I love ufo lore. I neither believe it nor disbelieve. But I enjoy it. I used to enjoy talking politics. But things that used to be discussed and then laughed off are now about blaming the other side for Hitler and the wanton slaughter of babies & old people. So politics ain't fun anymore.

Rock & Roll is still fun. Especially the conspiracies and I don't just mean the old Beatles rumor that Paul is dead. I've recently heard of another rumor that's fun. 

Why, sometimes I've believed in as many as six impossible things before breakfast...Alice in Wonderland 

So I'm reading one of the ufo books I've downloaded from Amazon. I have some eye issues these days so I don't read as much as I once did. And honestly like the true bookworm that I am I've always collected more books than I can read.

But there I was scrolling through a Kindle book and I read about the old Carpenters cover of "Calling occupants of all interplanetary craft" Which is a fun song in itself 

Then I see where a Canadian group called Klatuu in the early 70's was the original artist. No biggie. But then I see where the rumor was that they were in fact The Beatles reunited and making a secret album.

But wait! There's more. Ringo had released an album called Goodnight Vienna with art work from "The Day the Earth Stood Still " Which of course featured Klatuu!

One and one and one is three ..."Come Together...The Beatles

So now it's almost as much fun as Tuesday Weld being the Queen of the Illuminati. Which was also a thing going around back in the day.

I love going down rabbit holes. Turns out David Bowie was into aliens. But then again how could Ziggy Stardust not be? But so was Olivia Newton John.

Now I haven't forgotten The Fab Four and the occupants of interplanetary craft. But, I'm pretty sure that rumor is really shallow. But I could see someone having a Doobie and pondering it back in the 70's. 

So then I get back to my book called "Season of the Witch" how the occult saved Rock and Roll. I haven't had this much fun with a book since "Weird Scenes inside the Canyon." Laurel Canyon covert ops and the dark heart of the hippy movement. Which is a really good if a little flawed book 

So anyway my rabbit holes have distracted me from a world at war. Hate, violence and meanness. 

Go then. There are other worlds than these ...The Dark Tower. Stephen King. 

So, I'm heading for more pondering of Illuminati movie stars and space traveling rock bands. So Beam me up Scotty. 


Sunday, September 3, 2023

Conservative,liberal and me

 Well I don't know why I came here tonight

I've got the feeling that something ain't rightI'm so scared in case I fall off my chairAnd I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs....Stealers Wheel

  I have often wondered why I came here. I seem to have always been a step out of sync. I'm sure many people feel this way so I'm not claiming to be "special."  But I do feel like I have been trying to wake up from this dream for a while. I graduated high school back in the dark ages of 1976. I have gone through many stages of life. Raised Christian conservative. Became more liberal and less dogmatic. Became more religious and tried to live more in line with my faith. Became fond of pot and beer and then became more religious again and then became more liberal and finally in the middle of my 6th decade I have found myself to be sufficient without trying to appeal to outside authority such as peers, scientists, preachers, philosophers and others for permission to just be me.

This weekend while talking to my oldest friend from childhood who is much farther to the right than I am and in watching a youtube video from a rock music enthusiast who ironically is very far right and in listening to a very liberal "spiritual" wanna be guru who is more left of center and thinking of another lady who is very much woke although very sweet I find that I am indeed stuck in the middle.

Clowns to the left of meJokers to the rightHere I am stuck in the middle with you...Stealers Wheel

Pulling the public strings of these two camps on the left and right are the politicians, race baiters, pop scientists and preachers. Trying hard to tell one group that the other group are all inhuman demons and that the very fabric of decency is dependent on stamping out conversation, civility and contact. That it's wrong to censor but in this case the threat is so great  that tolerance can't be tolerated. So watch my podcast, buy my book and vote  this way and you will be saved, spared and weaponised to fight  the murderous inbread baby killing child raping bastards on the far right or far left depending on which podcast or book or sermon you're listening to.

One particular string pulling puppet from the right went completely stone cold senile a couple of times at the microphone during a press conference. Another idiot from the left compared an electrical fire in one of his mansions to the loss of life, children and loved ones in a fire in Hawaii. Now I'm no Trump fan but if Trump had said that the idiots at CNN and MSNBC would be howling for years about how evil he is.

Yes I'm stuck in the middle with youAnd I'm wondering what it is I should doIt's so hard to keep this smile from my faceLosing control, yeah I'm all over the place...Stealers Wheel

The music guy got on a biblical kick about gay marriage and gender. Look, I understand. having been brought up on the bible, what it says. However, being a curious young man I dove into the history and translations and how we got the bible and found that it isn't a "book." and the writings were not assembled and made holy by angels but by a group of men in funny hats from Rome under the direction of various popes. Now they didn't write it. But they absolutely translated and delivered what they wanted to be dogma. I'm not trying to disprove the scripture. I still  read it. I just don't want anyone to govern me by it or declare it to be infallible and the Law of the land. If I were gay I wouldn't feel condemned because of ancient texts that were never meant to be a science book or a history book or even a book at all. On the other hand the very liberal person I know of wants to make six year old's feel responsible for the oppression and slavery of a whole race of people that they never met and wants certain other children to feel inferior and beholden and in need of more liberal policies to be able to live in the land of the free.

Clowns to the left of meJokers to the rightHere I am stuck in the middle with youWhen you started off with nothingAnd you're proud that you're a self-made man...Stealers Wheel

It isn't easy having your own voice in this world. You have to pick a lane and stay in it. Choose a team jersey and never question the reasons just accept the labels you're given and the dogma you're taught. I'll be honest the two easiest  things in the world to be are a far left liberal or a far right conservative. The script is already written and the path already laid out. The good guys and bad guys are clearly marked out for you.

And your friends they all come crawling
Slap you on the back and sayPleasePlease....Stealers Wheel

Please just accept me. I'm just like you. I have on the same jersey. Me and God hate the same people you do. Or me and the late night TV hosts hate the same people you do. I'm Popular dammit. You like me. You really like me.  It's a hard thing to realize that everybody doesn't like you and everyone doesn't thump the same bible or see  the world just like you do or even agree with you. But, that's okay.

It doesn't mean you have to sacrifice the truth. It just means you have to respect the other person's right to be wrong or even admit that you might be wrong. I know it's crazy. But, it happens.

Trying to make some sense of it allBut I can see it makes no sense at allIs it cool to go to sleep on the floor?'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore...Stealers Wheel

So I decided to look up an honest definition of gender since that appears to be the latest tool of people that want to separate the good guys and the bad guys. First I have always assumed that gender meant sex. Well it turns out that gender means attitude or personal affiliation with sexual identity. Meaning it's more about how you identify than what your body is biologically. Still the identity is between male and female. So both sides are correct. Gender isn't about being biologically male or female. But, it is about identifying as male or female and there are NOT a hundred and eleven to infinity genders out there. So both left and right can take a victory lap. NOT.

I'm a social liberal. That means that I feel that a nation such as the United States should have healthcare for all. We should treat addiction and build less jails and more mental health facilities. I personally believe in a higher power and have my own inner life but I don't think that everyone needs to follow a religious text or be religious at all. I feel if Bob wants to marry Bill and leave all his  worldly possessions to him that it's nobody else's business. 

I believe if we took all those billions that we are sending to the Ukraine for war and instead gave every American a full stomach and shelter and healthcare we would still save billions of dollars. 
Student loans should be eligible for bankruptcy just like any other debt. Our borders should be protected and we should have an honest path to citizenship. You can't not have a border if you are going to be a nation. But, hating on people for trying to get a better life is cruel because you would do the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. I know I would. 

If you want to be called a man or woman then that's fine. I'm a nice person and I'll certainly try to treat you with kindness and respect. However, No a man can't become an actual woman at 50 years old the same way a woman who was biologically born and lived as a woman for 50 years is. But,  that's a personal opinion and if you want to try it I'll certainly support your right to do that.

If you are letting your 8 year old go into ANY public restroom alone then you're not doing it right. Politicians got y'all going crazy over silly chit. If you are blocking puberty of any child or minor then you're an idiot and not as enlightened as you would like to think you are. Yes I  do feel drag shows are protected free speech and expression under our constitution. No, I don't want a drag queen reading to five year olds in public libraries. especially with your junk hanging out of your panties. On the other hand I don't want a fire and brimstone preacher telling my five year old they are a hell bent sinner and need to repent. So, it's not a left or right issue with me. It's common sense. Let kids be kids. There is plenty of time for your political, religious, and sexual questions as they age.

No, I don't like abortion. Yes I do feel it's the woman's decision to make and not mine. Not yours either. If some of you would support child care and financial assistance and Medicaid then your dream of less abortion would come true. But, some of you also need to stop "slangin snot" as if it's a holy right of womanhood to have an abortion. Actually, most of us or at least many of us on both the left and the right aren't that concerned except when the politicians start firing us up about it.

Yes. I was caught up in Trump derangement at one time. I still Think he's a seriously flawed and nasty human being. But, so is Joe Biden and the Democratic and Republican parties. No it's not a good look for the ex president to be paraded on trial for the world to see. It makes us look like a banana republic. Just my opinion and I"m entitled to it. I just don't have the energy to write out my reasons right now and I doubt they would change anyone else's mind anyway.

One thing about getting older. You stop sucking in your gut to make sure a woman likes you. Or if you are a woman you stop worrying about how men are looking at you. As you get older you try  to leave some of the drama and putting on facades behind. It's liberating and I no longer am looking  for a pat on the head from an employer or a church leader or a pretty girl. I just go off on my old fart rants and get on with life. 


Monday, July 24, 2023

Small Town!

 I've been hearing the John Mellencamp "Small Town" song in my head ever since the latest internet "let's all get offended & call each other nasty names" made for social media event.

"This successful life we're livin' got us feudin like the Hatfield's and McCoy's"...Waylon Jennings.

Probably because my love & knowledge of Country Music stops somewhere in the mid 80's with Willie, Waylon and Hank JR. So I know absolutely ZERO about the "famous" singer and/or singers involved & care less than zero.

"I had the right to remain silent. But I didn't have the ability"... Ron White

In order to not be labeled racist, libtard, inbred or far right wing QAnon or far left wokester I should just remain silent. After all I take most of this crap about as seriously as I take the flat earth "controversy."

But as Willie says "I didn't come here and I ain't leaving." so imma give my own opinion. Kind of.

"People talking without speaking. People hearing without listening.".. Simon & Garfunkel. 

Seems like people these days talk at each other & yell over each other. We dehumanize each other by yelling "babie killer, thug, colonizer, white privilege, black babie momma, anti vaxer, murderer because you voted for Trump, America hater because you voted for Biden, and of course the clincher "Racist" because you don't see the world in "pun intended" black & white.

For just a moment I want to say something. The only thing that really bothers me is censorship. If someone I don't agree with can be shouted down and their speech be made illegal then so can mine.

No. I haven't watched the whole video or listened to the song. Because music is something personal to me. I'm not a good musician. But I am a musician. It's something I either feel in my soul or I leave alone. I have no interest in "Rap, Modern Country, Progressive Rock or Classical Music." 

However, in principle I support the free expression of them all. 

Before I retired a fellow social worker told me a story. There was an old couple that came into an agency. They needed food and a little help with bills. One of the younger workers refused to help them. Thankfully my colleague who happened to be black helped them. But why did the first one resent them?Because the old folks were white & therefore responsible for slavery, lynchings & all the evil throughout history.

I can also tell you similar stories about poor Hispanic & black folks being mistreated. Somewhere down the line somebody convinced poor white folks they had more in common with the Donald Trump's of the world than their equally poor black neighbors. Someone, somehow convinced poor black people that they had more in common with the rich, white raised Barrack Obama than with their poor white neighbors.

So the truth is (for me.) I hate censorship. I will always want to hear that song you tell me not to listen to. I will always read that book you tell me to burn. I will always defend free expression. I won't always agree. But I'm old school American! 

So that's all I got to say about that.

"No, I cannot forget where it is I come from. I cannot forget the people who love me. Yeah, I can be myself here in this small town. And people let me be just what I want to be."...John Mellencamp 


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Spiritual journeys

 You who are on the Road. Must have a code that you can live by...Crosby, Nash, Stills & Young.

Books have always fascinated me. From my childhood I would devour comic books and books about sports hero's. As I grew older horror and then police procedural and then non fiction. I remember asking people what they knew about their faith or their worldview or their opinion. I found most people simply believed what their parents believed or what they saw on TV. 

She's got electric boots, a mohair suit. You know I read it in a magazine...Elton John

But I want to say this. I've known a lot of wise people that rarely if ever cracked a book. Simply reading is like simply going to college. You might be book smart but "some folks are educated way beyond their intelligence." Jerry Clower the great country comedian made that statement.

Still some of the smartest people I've ever known read books. I don't know how you even have a worldview if you never read a book. Still in my old age I find that I don't read as much as I used to. Matter of fact if it were not for Kindle and ebooks I would hardly read at all these days. I just don't have the focus I once had. And I go from one thing to another on the internet.

He got joo joo eyeball
He one holy roller
He got hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker
He just do what he please...Lennon & McCartney

So this isn't a "boy ain't I smart because I read a book" post. Also, these are not necessarily my favorite books to read. 

But this is a list of books I read in from my youth. Read in means I didn't always read every word. They helped shape or at least were a part of my inner spiritual life. Only one of these is from recent years. The others are from my teens through my 20's and maybe into my thirties. But if so it wasn't far into my 30's.

Old man look at my life. I'm a lot like you 
were...Neil Young 

But that's when worldviews are mainly formed. By your mid life you often are already pretty much into your views with  few tweaks and maybe some awakening to follow. Autobiography of a Yogi is the only one on this list that I came to later in life. However apart from the bible it's the oldest book on the list.

This isn't an attempt to change or argue with anyone. I'm just at that age where I look back on things and make my old fart lists of stuff. So here's a list.

The Bible: you can't be born into the family I was born into and the part of the country I was born into and not be affected by at least someone's interpretation of this "book." The reason I put quotation marks around book is because in really it's a collection of books and writings. I read it because I was always told I should and being stubborn I decided I would. I slept through Deuteronomy and a few others but believe it or not the prophet's woke me up. 1st Samuel was a clinic in getting quiet. John was a revelation (no pun intended) on spiritual communication and made me think of issues like talking to God and Spirit. I came away no longer comfortable with my religion because of certain old testament stuff. But with a real appreciation of listening for that still voice inside.

Autobiography of a Yogi. Paramhansa Yogananda.: I came later in life to this book. It's considered a spiritual classic. I listened to a lot of it on Audible while walking or doing chores. I also read some in the ebook. This is the only book on the list that I read in ebook format or listened in audio book. I have most of the others in ebook now. But there wasn't any such thing as an ebook when I first read them. Chapter 43 The Resurrection of Sri Yukeswar (i probably spelled that wrong) made a huge impression on me. Not because I believed every word of the account. But because something in me knows that there is a greater truth in this account. Anyway, I still go back and listen or read and meditate/ think on this chapter from time to time.

The Road less traveled. M. Scott Peck:   I came across this book in my youth. I was a young man struggling with faith. Prayer and my faith was important to me. But I found myself wondering if I was stupid for having hope in a reality beyond what basic science classes stated. Here was a very intelligent Psychiatrist saying it wasn't stupid. That spiritual growth and realty is legitimate. I found it at the right time for me 

Out on a Limb Shirley Maclaine: Similar to The Road Less Traveled this book hit at the perfect time. I've had A snippet of what I consider to be A past life memory since childhood. This book written by A well respected actress at the time gave me permission to go out in my own limb. It took years back and forth but this was A gentle shove forward at the time.

A bed by the Window M Scott Peck: This book showed the strength of love and inner strength in the teeth of hate and malice. It somehow reminded me of some issues I had back in middle school. 

Communion Whitley Streiber: even though it's popularly called an alien book it isn't. It's an account of some really odd occurrences that were also shared by visitors to the Streiber cabin in Upstate New York if memory serves

Passport to Mangonia Jacques Vallee: This is story after story of the interweaving pattern in our myths and folklore that Vallee connects with UFO sightings and alien abduction. I don't really like this type narrative because after so many accounts my eyes glaze over. But the message is plausible and it's a classic.

20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation Ian Stevenson: This is an academic tome. Written by a psychiatrist who interviewed and meticulously wrote up case after case of children who remember past lives. I honestly have not read it but have read in it and about it over the years. But if you are a stats & numbers person or an academic this is a classic in its field.
Flim Flam James Randi: This is by The darling of the materialistic atheist. Nothing paranormal is true and even if it seems to be it really isn't. Another book I read a little in during my journey. After all I was searching for The truth. I don't think this crusty old magician had it. But, if you know anything about skeptics or care then Randi is a classic.

The Key Whitley Streiber: Oh yeah. I said most of these books I read in my youth. But this one I came across recently. So I have to add this. An older man visits the author at a very late time of night and drops some wisdom on him. Was he real? Was he from our time? I don't know but Whitley feels he was specially sent. I got lost reading this one in the bookstore. I didn't quite finish it But was to cheap to pay full price for it. So I'm waiting for the Kindle version to drop into one of those "Dailey deal" things.

Heading Towards Omega Kenneth Ring: This is classic. After the Moody book Kenneth Ring did some awesome work. It was Ring that I first heard talk about blind people seeing during the near death experience.

Life after life Raymond Moody: The first time the term Near Death experience entered the public consciousness. The experience itself is ancient. But starting with Plato Dr. Moody brought it to the forefront with this book.

Return from Tomorrow George Ritchie: This one about a Korean war American soldier who died and was if memory serves taken to the morgue is awesome. He saw ( although I think all experience is personally unique in some ways) Jesus descending into hell or dark places to speak and rescue people. But they wouldn't look up and realise there is still hope. Anyway it's an awesome book and highly recommended.

There are many modern writers of you're interested in the paranormal. Tricia Robertson does a great job of presenting accounts. Jeffery Mislove has a podcast called New Thinking Allowed that is awesome. Buddha at the Gas pump is another. TOE by Kurt Jimengal and the writing and any podcast with Donald Hoffman is great. But I have to admit I can't just sit and listen to a podcast. I have to be walking or doing chores or puzzles or coloring. But there is a treasure trove in YouTube these days. 

Anyway, thanks for reading my old farts list of things that impacted or are impacting my walking through this wonderful, horrible, blessed and tragic journey.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Road

 You, who are on the road. Must have a code that you can live by....Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

 I once read a book about the afterlife based on the author's experience but written in fiction form. One of the most intriguing things in the book was a road the main character walked after dying in this world. 

He was walking on a road that was eternal. He could stop along the way and manifest a beautiful mansion or a seaside cottage or a mountain dwelling. But sooner or later he was back on the road. Because as he walked along the road he would encounter people, pets & places from the life he had just lived.

On this two lane highway 
Is going my way, moving fast
Two lane highway
Is taking me home, home at last...Pure Prairie League

I think the image of the road has always intrigued people. I know it has me. I was born in Gadsden, Alabama but I spent much of my childhood in rural Altoona/Walnut Grove, Alabama. The sight of a blacktop road or highway in the sunshine leading around a tree lined bend and through the woods has always fascinated me.

A dirt road in the country leading up into the hills and beyond. Roads could be heading anywhere. Maybe around the next bend will be a town or city you've never seen before. Magic could be just beyond that hill over there. Or even right up there on a Alabama summer day where the blacktop is shimmering in the hot sun.

 I had a friend who I used to walk some of those country roads with. He was a gentle person but country tough. A simple dude not highly educated. Socially awkward but loyal to the end with his friends and family.

Religion and his own inner loneliness killed his hope in this world. An angry god who could send and leave his loved ones in eternal torment along with the self righteous church folks pretty much convinced him that there was no real hope. 

The message of unconditional love that never fails just couldn't compete with the hellfire of the frozen few. So he took his life. I think about old friends and my family that have gone before me these days.

 So the image of a road where I can look over and see my friend walking beside me again is a wonderful thought. To stop at my grandparents house and sit with my granddaddy around a pot bellied stove one eternal morning. 

The character of the book also came upon a neighborhood store from his childhood. How fun would that be? I could walk into my neighborhood store in Walnut Park which was my old neighborhood. Get a coke for a dime a bag of barbq chips for a dime and get a candy bar for a nickle and sit on the bench out front with my friends the Hooks brothers. 

Roads are always a symbol of freedom. But the best road is the one that leads home. It's evening and you see that bright yellow light shining through the window as you approach home. The place of sanctuary and peace. 

Rest up and enjoy familiar surroundings and sooner or later get back to exploring. Because the road goes on forever.

The long and winding road that leads to your door. Will never disappear I've seen that road before...The Beatles

I've heard a lot of opinions about what happens when we die. I have my own ideas and some life experience  to draw from. But this isn't my opinion on what we will encounter when we drop this body. 

This is simply a rambling thought process of "what if?" I don't think the afterlife is a static road but there might be a road that goes on forever involved.
After all. All roads eventually lead home. I don't do religion these days. At least not a one size fits all. I still have my faith though. I think eventually love wins! 


Wednesday, May 31, 2023


 I was "doom scrolling" on my Fire tablet this morning. Meaning I was reading the news on the internet app "Hotsheet." which connects to newspapers & political blogs across the political spectrum along with sports & other stuff. So when I click on Drudge Report or Huffington Post or other sources and scroll down I think of that as doom scrolling. I stole the term from a Stephen King tweet. My favorite author is rather guilty of hysterical tweets himself lately. But, I digress.

I turned 66 this year. I know! I couldn't believe it myself! Crap! Can't I get up out of a chair these days without passing gas? Hey! You kids! Stop riding your bikes in front of my dog! Now where was I? 

Oh yeah. I was going to say something about the culture war. I think we are all being distracted. While everybody is trying to cram religion, secularism, chicks with dicks, & trying to force young women to have a baby even if they are raped or are 13 years old our society is crumbling.

So smart butt Stevie has some answers. Your milage may vary and of course there's a chance I could be wrong.

Also. Full disclosure: Even though I'm from "The Deep South!" I hope y'all heard a deep condescending voice of a Northeastern American white news anchor reading off a teleprompter when you read that. But, again I digress.

So anyway as I was saying when I so rudely interrupted myself. Even though I'm Southern, white, old, baptized and fondly remember Pony Miller's and wacky terbacky I'm trying to be totally objective. Which of course is impossible but I try.

Wow! People get mad on the interwebs these days. Calling each other Nazi's and baby murderers and racist killer's! And that's just discussing college football.

 So let me say what I'm basing my opinions on. My own life experience and gut instinct. That's it! Full stop! This isn't based on religion, country, skin color, sexual preference (although if there is a tribe of tall blonde amazon women that want to abduct me and do unmentionable things to my body I'm available.) I'm old but I ain't dead yet!

 Sorry! Where was I? Oh yeah. I remember. I was giving my disclaimer. So anyway here's my thoughts as of this morning after one cup of coffee on the culture wars of the US and the world. Which like most Americans I'm pretty sure revolves around us.

Abortion: I Hate it and fully support a woman's right to choose. If men had babies you could get an abortion pill out of a vending machine. Y'all know it's true. But, I do get tired of certain far left people on TV acting like it's a holy right to decide the life inside you isn't something you want to be responsible for. It really is a potential child that when your old and your tattoo looks like a surgical scar and men no longer hover about you the adult child will still love their momma. But, sometimes a young woman is raped, or the baby Will be horribly deformed and has no real hope of a viable life. Sometimes the mother is in abject poverty and those so called pro life folks want to withhold medical and housing care. And sometimes a woman just doesn't want to carry a child.

So while I think young women should be informed of the truth and not be told they're a social warrior for women everywhere. It's still their choice. Not your church's choice, not your feminist choice. Their choice. Sorry. It's just true.

Privilege: This is a big one because it's based on lies! Being born white does not mean you automatically have an easy life. Being born black does not automatically mean you are oppressed and helpless. I knew a white child born with cerebral palsy. He had to be fed clothed and pushed in a wheelchair. I knew another child born black. He was handsome, strong and his parents loved him. So who had privilege? Please stop! We are all in our unique journeys through life. Some were born on third base and think they hit a triple. Some are born behind the foul line and honestly have a hard row to hoe. But most of us in this country are still able to go where we want, when we want and live the way we want. At least to an extent. 

Black lives matter: Yes they do. You know when else they matter? They matter when single mothers have to grieve when a gang member shoots into an apartment because he was disrespected. They Also matter when kids on the streets of Baltimore or Chicago or Birmingham or Tuscaloosa are getting killed.

But Joe Biden ain't visiting those folks and Al Sharpton ain't "saying their name." because there's no pub and virtue or late night tv hosts patting them on the head.

 No old white devil to blame it on. It's something that both black and white politicians could fix but they won't.

 Obama bailed out General Motors. Bush bombed a third world country back to the stone age. Congress gives billions of dollars to foreign countries everyday. But we can't build hospitals and mental health facilities and drug rehabilitation resources. 

 We can build more jails though. We can expect cops to deal with mental illness and poverty and drug addicted people which they don't have the training for. And it's honestly not what they should or even want to do. 

Gay Rights: I fully support people being who they are. Period. Joe wants to marry and leave all his worldly goods to Bob? Fine by me. None of my business. Your church doesn't believe in gay marriage? Fine. But understand that this is a nation of many people and religions and no religion at all. 

Marriage is only sacred if the married couple make it sacred. That's between y'all and God. But marriage in a free country is a legal binding of two adults. Stop splitting hairs and grow up.

Transgenderism: I sometimes think society loses the thread here. I always thought if you're a dude and you dress in women's clothing then you're a transvestite. Meaning you like women's clothing. Not my thing and not my business. 

I always thought if you decide to have surgery and hormone therapy that you are transgender. You don't simply say you're a woman. You literally have your dick removed (OUCH) and go through the medical procedures. Again. Not my business. Not my problem. Live life and be a decent person I don't care what you identify as. But, don't let minor children have life altering surgery that can't be reversed. You can't drive legally at 12. So support, love and affirm. But don't try to artificially stop nature and body changes in a minor child. It ain't that complicated folks.

But, while I fully support peoples right to attend and put on a drag show I do draw the line at sexualizing children. Schools have no right or obligation to discuss sexuality with minor children. Sex education such as function and consequences of active sexual lifestyle? Yes. In middle school and high school. Being confronted At 5 or 6 years old by drag queens or worrying about the religious philosophy of the First Baptist preacher? NO. See? I fixed it for ya. 

Bathrooms: if you're a parent and you let your 8 year old go into ANY public restroom alone boy or girl then you're a damn idiot! If you have a dick use the men's urinal and if you have a vagina then I assume you know what to do. If your dressed as a man or woman then use a water closet of the gender you're dressed as. Or build unisex bathrooms or quietly use your own judgement. This is so rare that I truly believe politicians should be working on more pressing needs. This is just a distraction.

Pronouns: Dear God! 

Who gives a chit? If you want to be called zer or Zey or them or they I don't care. I'm a decent human and if you ask me nicely to call you something I'll give it my best shot. But, at the end of the day Imma just talk so if I misgendet or mispronoun you and you get mad then that's a YOU problem.

Immigration: I think most if us are fine with people having a path to come to America. It's amazing how the media is no longer worried about children on the border or cages or mean old border patrol. Hmm. 

But, let me say this in defense of folks coming across the border. Most if them are trying to build a better life for themselves and their family. So take that into account no matter your politics when you see a person who is here "illegally." That doesn't mean you can't demand border security. It just means be a good human being. Be kind.

Politics: When I was younger I wasn't really concerned much with politics. Then as a young man in my mid 20's and 30's I was strongly conservative. I was a card carrying, Limbaugh listening dittohead. If you don't know what that is then Google is your friend. 

 Then around my late 30's and into my 40's I started becoming more liberal. By my mid 40's I was a born again left wing liberal. 

Then as I got older I started really looking and by my late 40's until today I have become middle of the road leaning a little left especially on social issues. 

I'm old school liberal when it comes to censorship. I hate it! Nobody should be shouted down without a fair hearing. No book should be banned or edited for "correctness." 

CNN & FOX: I just use those two because they are so well known. During the Trump presidency we honestly needed the CNN perspective because FOX was acting like a dictator's news source. In the Biden presidency we honestly need FOX because CNN is acting like a Soviet era mouthpiece for the Democrats. 

Truth is we need the truth. Not echo chambers. Thanks to the internet we can check a wide variety of sources. 

Also, thanks to the internet we can retreat to our echo chambers and continue to be mad & self righteous and yell over each other. 

Oh well. Good luck.

Final thought: A young man asked an old terminally ill man how it felt to think about dying. The old man answered "How does it feel pretending you're not?"

Life's short. Be kind. Eat the chocolate cake when you can.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Spaceman Spiff!

 loved the X-Files! In the early 90's or as Dean Koontz said back then "on the cusp of the millennium." Cindy and I would be glued to the exploits of Mulder & Skully. By the way speaking of "Millennium" that was a very underrated show itself. 

I'm a boomer. I'm one of those born in the late 50's who missed Vietnam by a hair. Not quite old enough to be an actual hippy but close enough to understand the life style. At least a little. I started school in the day when America was rushing to get to the moon before the dreaded Soviets. We were taught that Israel might have been the chosen people but America was the Apple of God's eye. 

Into that atmosphere I dove into Batman & Superman comics. But I also had another passion. Space! Jules Bergman was an American journalist. When NASA launched The Mercury Spacecraft I would sit spellbound as he used a toy or model rocket and would detach different parts to show the way the rocket would launch, orbit & return to earth. In serious, wonderful black and white I watched raptly. 

Added to this I would get a library card and be amazed at the science fiction section. Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov and Ben Bova. Covers depicting rockets and planets and meteors. I wouldn't read the books much Because I was young and Asimov despite the covers bored me. But I would get comic books and watch all the science fiction movies that "Dialing for Dollar's" on channel 6 or 13 out of Birmingham would show. 

I remember when the U.S.A. won the race to the moon. It was just a matter of time before we would have moon bases and flying cars like the Jetson's cartoons. 

Somewhere in all that as I got older the paranormal merged with UFO lore. The spacemen became  interdimensional. A movie based on a book called Chariots of the God's came out. What if our ancient myths and legends were actually brought here from somewhere else? 

Then I discovered an actual serious researcher named Jaques Vallee. Stephen Spielberg would base the French scientist in Close Encounters on him. In the late 60's and early 70's Vallee had written "Passport to Magonia." it was an extensive study of flying craft, The Fae (Faerie folk of Europe) and African, Egyptian and Native American stories. He made and still makes the argument that the presence has always been with us. Appearing as fire and Angels or The Fae to spaceships in our modern times. 

In the 80's an American author that my little bookworm self was familiar with from a horror novel called The Wolfen wrote a book called "Communion." Whitley Strieber like so many before & since was attacked and called crazy. Just a failed horror writer trying to make it big.

The problem was Hollywood had already turned two of his novels "The Wolfen and The Hunger" Into popular movies so "failed" was not a term to use regarding him. 

Anyway this was right in my sweet spot. The boring Star Trek soulless universe was giving way to endless possibilities of unending space, life, consciousness and discovery. It wasn't the Klingon (Space Russian) or the ever so logical Vulcans that would make first contact.

It would be our forbearers. Spiritually wise and eternal. That had guided us not simply from a more technological earth from outer space but also from infinite inner space.

So now I am older. I have my own experience with spiritual and practical matters. I have an inner life and it is at times a dialog with The Divine and sometimes a crazy mess. I don't subscribe to ancient aliens or the sterile little blue ball with no meaning either. I've become or am becoming someone that has no label. 

I don't do much social media. A few Facebook memes and jokes and a few people I love and respect I keep in touch with on messenger. As a respectful older dude I stay off Tic Tock, Discord and most any other sites. I do however use Twitter. 

Back in the day I got the nickname "Tweet." I was young and I guess I reminded someone of Tweetybird from the cartoon. So when Twitter started up I had no choice. I had to grab Tweetybird as my profile pic and open an account under the handle TweetSnead.  So even if nobody else on Twitter gets it I have my own little inside joke. The revenge of the little guy. Call me a funny name & I turn it into an inside joke.

But, I discovered something on Twitter. A whole subculture of UFO nuts like me. So I post occasionally and read regularly at #ufotwitter. Most of us have a great time nerding out. But alas there are those true believers and true stick up their butt skeptics that fight and argue all day. 

Now honestly and not just because I love the possibilities. The so called skeptics are the worse. Calling names and demanding an accounting for why every light in the sky isn't swamp gas and the planet Venus. I've gotten to the point where the minute I hear a "skeptic" attack a person's character instead of honestly discussing I just skip over it.

I'm not a true believer in anything. I know what I've personally experienced and I meditate and ponder those things. Because all we know at any given time is our own inner life. 

But I love to think "what if?" when I look at the stars, moon and planets. I love to close my eyes and let go of trying to figure it out and just explore inner space. 

I figure at my age another 20 years or more if I'm blessed to see it and I won't care if a Democrat or a Republican is president. I have enough life experience to know the baton is passing no matter how much I want to keep running the same race.

But, when that day comes "What If?" So I'll keep watching the skies and inner space. I believe Paul said something like I wait all my life until my change comes!

I don't do religious dogma. I'm still religious in my own way. I just don't think I or anybody else has all the answers and one size doesn't fit all.

I've always been a book nerd. But as I've aged my attention span has shortened and my eye has floaters and I don't see well unless my nose is right in the print. So podcasts, YouTube Audible & ebooks are how I follow my interests. My Kindle can be adjusted for light and font and switched to dark mode. So I have quite the collection of UFO ebooks these days. I even read them from time to time. Once a book hoarder always a book hoarder. But at least ebooks don't take up much space.

Space. Oh yeah. This is where I came in.


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Ramblings of an Adam West Fan

 I never had to say I was Batman. I just showed up and everybody knew who I was...Adam West

  I've seen a lot of changes on my journey this go round. I didn't know how fast 6 & 1/2 and counting decades could go by. But I've learned a few things. Never apologise for being here. You have as much right as anybody else to breathe no matter your age, skin color, sexual preference, politics or religion.

We all play the game and when we dare to cheat ourselves at solitaire. Inventing lovers on the phone. Repenting other lives unknown...Janis Ian. "At Seventeen"

So after all these years I finally know better than to present myself for the approval of other's. In return I don't demand others present their "paper's" to me either. But I did want to ramble a little about this old world and it's changes. At least one man's observations. My credentials to talk? Life, being born, death (when it comes) and wherever the journey leads beyond this wonderful, tragic, cruel, loving world.


I had the right to remain silent. But I didn't have the ability...Ron White

I was raised "in the church" as we say in the South. So when other people especially younger people tell me to read the bible I have to laugh a little. Now don't get mad! I don't mean laugh in a derisive way. I just mean I was brought up on the bible. I've read it cover to cover. I'm found inspiration & comfort. I've done what most Christians do and halfway shut my eyes on the "kill every man, woman & child including the cattle" parts. 

But, I also read about the bible. It's not a book! There were ancient stories, wisdom, truths, parables & myths including accounts of war passed from generation to generation & finally written down & translated into many languages and cultures.

Then some "men" from Rome under the popes. (No girls allowed) who decided which of those writings were holy & which were not. 

Then some other men decided Rome wasn't the church after all and called themselves protestants but then called Rome false while keeping the Roman Catholic councils as "church fathers."

So as I grew older & read and prayed and thought about life I realized that God whoever and whatever He/She/Ground of all being is was most likely not bound to a religion or set of rules or a bunch of writings that men in funny hats decided was the inerrant final word of God. 

So I take the religion of my youth seriously because the idea of God becoming flesh and walking through this old world is awesome! I won't go into how and why I call myself a Jesus Follower and continue to pray and meditate because I'm not trying to convert or convince anyone of anything. I think the best we can do is to treat all creatures the way we want to be treated. You don't have to follow a religion or a belief to do that. Just be a good human.

And because I share the trait of having the right but not the ability to remain silent I have one more thing to add. 

In my younger days I was working at Popeyes Chicken. One of my jobs was to drop the Chicken in a big vat of hot grease. We kept a lot of flower on hand both to batter the Chicken but also when the grease would splatter. Because one little drop of that grease on your arm or your face would be unbearable. So we would grab a handful of flower and put it on our skin to soak up the spot of grease and get relief. 

One day I was thinking of a certain bully from middle school. General Forrest Jr. High in Gadsden, Alabama. This kid was cruel. Not cartoonist big bully. No. This one was flat out relentlessly mean! But I thought if I had that bully and I could. I still would NEVER place even the tip of his little finger in that hot oil. Not even my worst enemy would I do that to. 

So suffice it to say that I don't in anyway believe a God who is really The Source of all being and the incarnation of love could leave any creature in eternal torment. If it works for you that's fine. Just don't expect me to agree with you.

Final thing I'll say on this subject. No. I'm not an atheist. No. I don't attack Christianity. Yes. I still love Jesus. Yes. I still pray. No. I don't think you have to be any certain religion or any religion at all. No. I'm not going to argue my life or your Life on social media.

But I'd be honored to sit down one day over coffee or lunch and discuss your ideas respectfully. Just not on Facebook or social media. I follow certain groups & blogs and interests on Facebook & Twitter but I like my own page to be friendly, funny and a place to talk with old friends and make new friends. 

Homosexuality: I'm ashamed of the times in my youth when I could have been understanding and kind but chose silence and even a little casual meanness instead. You know the old Hollywood movie of the nerdish but still cool kid that doesn't fit in But yet accepts other's? Well that wasn't me. Sadly that isn't most humans. Those of us with ravaged faces or abusive homes or social awkwardness didn't automatically protect the other outcasts. Because in our deepest hearts we wanted to be accepted too. So we laughed or at least I did. At the jokes and slurs directed at gay people in order to be accepted by the cool kids. Also if their derision was focused on the gay or goth or other outcast then it wasn't focused on me. 

These days I see people as people and what they do privately as their business as long as they aren't hurting children or other vulnerable people. I have very little else to say on this subject. 

Trans: If you have a pee pee But dress like a woman you are a dude in drag and there is nothing wrong with that. Have fun. If you get your pee pee removed and have hormone and surgery treatments Then you are trans and there's nothing wrong with that. If you want to play sports and can pass a purely biological physical with a doctor there's nothing wrong with that. But, if you are biologically male then you don't get to compete against a biological female and there's nothing wrong with that.

No. We don't all have "the right" to play in certain leagues. Otherwise my little 5'3 butt would sue the NBA because only people who are really good at basketball get to sign an NBA contract. Is that fair? No! Okay. It's common sense. That's in short supply these days. 

Should drag shows be illegal? NO! Grown people have the right to entertain the way they choose. Should drag queens read to children? Not if it's a group of men with their junk showing and trying to talk about sexuality to a five year old. But, I wouldn't want a playboy bunny or a Chippendale model reading with their hoo ha or junk hanging out either. Common sense folks. Don't need government issuing far right laws or celebrating far left lunacy. Just common sense 

Race: it ain't that hard. We are all one race. The human race. We are all unique within our own beings. One size doesn't fit all so treat people the way you want to be treated.

Anyway. I hope I didn't offend too many people with this little ramble. It was just a little mental exercise and not meant to be a silly Mic drop echo chamber moment. 


Friday, April 7, 2023

The Bardo

 In Buddhist teaching the Bardo is the place or state between death and rebirth. I'm not Buddhist and I don't subscribe to the Buddhist philosophy. But, as in most and maybe all ancient wisdom there is a seed of growth and truth there.

This is the time of year when my mind turns to thoughts of rebirth and new beginnings. But, the thing with beginnings is for something to begin or restart something else has to die.

I've given a lot of thought to what is going on with me. The great American sage Stephen King once wrote that in your 60's the bodies expiration date is really close to expiring. I was born in 1957 so you do the math if you want. I personally am not as interested in counting these days. 

I was watching a spiritual guru or teacher on youtube. No. Not my guru. I don't do guru's. I use the word in mild sarcasm here because he ( Eckhart Tolle) doesn't call himself a guru. It's just the audience was hanging on his every word. He does have wisdom mixed in with the natural human follies and along with Alan Watts & some people like Donald Hoffman I find much to learn from and much to toss out. But, I have the same human follies so what do I know?

Eckhart was asked about the near death experience and I was interested in his take. However he basically recited the " we are one consciousness experiencing itself and the ego dies." Which I call Buddhism 101. Nothing especially new and honestly it's just speculation. Which is something I'm good at. I can pull stuff outta my butt like nobodies business. Matter of fact my most aha moments have been when my mind is racing to make sense out of this horrible, wonderful, tragic, beautiful experience we call life. But then again I've also flipped cars, stopped by the police and been drunk, stoned and stupid a lot so again. Take anything I say with that in mind. I had a very misspent youth. And years of ongoing healing.

I do agree with Eckhart and the Dali Lama that we are part of the one indescribable and unknowable ( at least in this side of life) consciousness or beingness that all being comes from. Now you might think brain chemistry answers it all but it doesn't. You might think a pissed off old dude in the sky answers it all. It doesn't. Any God that can be regulated to earthly temper tantrums and one size fits all answers isn't the whole of God or ground of being. That type being is more like Thor or Superman. 

I tend to agree with Jesus in that the kingdom is within and we are all a part of The One. Actually so do Buddhist, Hindu's and Eckhart Tolle. But, as Christ was saying before Rome and the church interrupted him. "God is love and love never fails." So for me the death of the body doesn't equal the annihilation of my being or ego. It frees this particular child of God to continue on the journey of becoming. 

I have become a universalist in my old age. Of God (however you can conceive if him/her/they/it is truly love and love never fails then somewhere there is a reunion of all the love and a reconciliation of all the pain and hate that has been out along the journeys. 

I have my own reasons for suspecting reincarnation is a real mechanism for our evolving soul on this planet and maybe throughout the universe. I don't what death is but I think it's a transition. Anyway just some thoughts tonight after listening to a deep thinker and trying to honestly sit with my own thoughts. 


Friday, February 17, 2023


 From the time I was a child I've always loved ghost stories and tales of the fantastic and weird. One of my favorite memories is watching an old Dracula movie at the Rebel Drive In Theatre in my hometown. In Technicolor! From my seat in back beside my little sister I saw Dracula caught out in the sunlight. A stake driven through his heart and the sun coming up. 

The old monster was finally doomed. Right before my eyes and my mouth jammed full of popcorn he was desolving into dust. I can still see it vividly in my mind's eye. The vampire struggling, gurgling, dying as the sun hit him and all that was left was a pile of ashes and a bloody stake through what was once the heart. Man, That was fun!

Another childhood memory is watching the old Dialing for Dollars movie out of Birmingham. Old science fiction with collosal man in scary black and white as nuclear fallout changed a once handsome scientist into a giant angry crazed monster. The leading lady shouting his name but it was to late. 

Ironically it was my conservative country music loving mother who helped nurture my love of horror movies and black and white science fiction pics about the danger of nuclear weapons and men and creatures from outer space. 

One day at around 7 or 8 years old I'm watching a scary movie. I happen to look behind me and my mother had left the room. No adults. Not even an annoying sister. Just me. But you can't run. Because if you run the ghosts will know it. They will grab your foot and pull you back and no telling what else. So I stayed put. Glued to the TV as the lady on the screen has a running dialog in her own mind. 

What was that? The garden statue moved! She saw it! The camera pans into the idiotic face of the statue. It's blank staring eyes. My young mind is sure it moved. The lady is trying to persuade herself it didn't move. She must be right. I sure hope so. Just stay calm. An adult will come back any minute and the ghost will go away. 

But, they didn't! Not when the little girl aged on screen to an old woman beating on the wall with her cane. Not when the woman climbed the rickety staircase to hang herself. Not even at the end of the movie when the narrator said "Whatever walks at Hill House walks alone!" finally a commercial and I make a break for the front door and safety while the ghosts are distracted!

I'm at the movies with my cousin.It was a more child friendly Disney movie. Something like That Darn Cat or Herbie the Love Bug. But there is this preview for a movie called "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane." As a child I didn't know Bettie Davis or Joan Crawford. I assumed it was a movie about ghosts. They had a doll with a hole in it's head from a hammer in the preview. So in my child's imagination the movie was about a little girl named Baby Jane and the doll was part of what Baby Jane's ghost must have done.or maybe when the bad guys killed Baby Jane they broke her doll and the ghost of Baby Jane was mad.

Those of you who know the actual movie can see that my imagination created a whole nother movie! So one day I come in my aunt and uncles house and my older cousin is hiding behind the door. Right as I come in he steps behind me spreads his hand on top of my head and intoned loudly "BABY JANE!"

And people wonder why I have trust issues. But, I digress. Horror and flying saucers and monsters in movies, books & comics have always been scary fun for me.

So imagine how pleased I was in my later years to find a whole thread on Twitter devoted to Ufo's. Yep #ufo what could possibly go wrong? Well believe it or not some people don't find things that go bump in the night to be fun. These people call themselves skeptics. But they aren't skeptics. They're debunkers. Want to know how I know? Because their skepticism only goes one way. It's never pointed back at their own conclusions. They hate anything that even hints that there might be more to life and consciousness than their sterile ultimately meaningless March to personal and even species oblivion. 

The other group that sucks all the fun out are the true believers. It has to be highly evolved spacemen in nuts and bolts craft just chilling under a Star Trek type "Prime Directive" and swooping in once in a while to butcher a cow or stick a probe up a human's butt. 

Meanwhile I'm just thinking of all the possibilities of our weird universe and thinking of starry nights and how much fun it is to just entertain the thought that we will never be able to put existence in a box and we will never have to cease our exploring. 


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Dreaming myself awake


Are you asleep or are you awake? I was preparing to do a meditation using my phone app. I had turned off all notices so phone calls would go straight to voicemail. Breathing in and out. Watching the breath. Being present. Watching my thoughts but not engaging with them. 

The meditation leader then asked the question. Are you asleep or are you awake. I gradually, slowly left the dogma of my life long religion. Signposts along the way were books, history and my constant prayers to be open to the truth. Finally it was like ripping off a bandaid. It hurt. 

Prayerful meditation and honest self reflection got me through. Or I should say is getting me through. I tried to pretend nothing had changed But it had. Them I tried or at least casually explored Buddhism. But for me the faith of my youth stripped of the silly dogma and lived humbly while treating people the way I wanted to be treated still worked for me. 

So one day as I'm practising a Zen Buddhism group meditation at the local UU Church I came to the conclusion that was similar to FR Thomas Merton who while practicing Buddhist meditation realized his own Christian mystical tradition worked for him. My thought was a little less uplifting. I thought "Hey. I ain't trading one religious box just to crawl into another one." 

Death must be good, otherwise God would not have obtained that it happen for everyone. Why live in fear of it? Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. 

Autobiography of a Yogi was a game changer for me. I read through it both by listening on Audible and reading it on my Kindle. But, honestly it was at times uplifting and at other times a slog. But. I think I got the gist of it. Chapter 43 titled "The Resurrection of Sri Yuketeswar" is one of my favorite passages in any book I've ever read.

Not because I converted to Hinduism. I didn't. But it just seemed to strike a chord with me. The body that was buried was the dream body in this dream world. The body Yokananda reported seeing his guru manifest was the actual vessel his spirit used. And it was itself not the final manifestation. Anyway I found it to resonate with some of my own journey. Was it literally true? I feel that when it comes to spiritual experiences truth can be spoken, modeled in nature and dreams and visions. 

Imaginal is how I think of it these days. Jeffery Mislove made the distinction on his podcast. Imagination is fine but we are mainly just doing wild conjecture. The Imaginal realm however isn't imagination or even myth. It's the actual possibility of consciousness. So chapter 43 May or may not be true in a by the book here and now sense. But, away from the dense filter of this dream world there might well be a world where the old body drops and our thoughts create a greater deeper reality.

I looked back and knew my sleeping body was back there. My companion was wise beyond all earthly measure. We walked under a red sky and the landscape was rocky. I asked him "what is the dream?" But as happens in dreams what I was really asking was who is God? What is life? What is death? 

He said "You ask too much." to which I felt myself start to cry. I woke up with a tear running down my cheek. 

Years later I think I understand. It wasn't that I wasn't allowed to know. It was the question wasn't the right question. You can't put reality in a box. You can't house God in a religion and death isn't something strange or final. It's part of the continuing journey. This is the dream. This world of limits and hard surfaces and sharp edges. 

I don't rush towards death and I'm not trying to hurry it. But, I am looking forward to waking up from the limits of this dream.


Sunday, January 8, 2023


 Breath is wonderful. Feel it coming in as it flows into the nostrils. It comes up from the belly and soothes the chest and lungs. Breathe out. The whole face relaxes. The universe stops, listens. Breath of life and stillness of the universe. 

Stillness. Just be. No movement. Nowhere to go. No deadline to meet. No outer person to impress. Just be.

Form. A projection of just being. I am No Thing. Meaning I am pure being. I AM. When I drop the form I Am.

Mindfulness. Not intelligence. Not memories. Not a to do list. Nothing to add and nothing to subtract. Just mindfulness. Just being.

Death. Meaning without form. Form is temporary on one hand and yet eternal in mindfulness. Drop the body to form a new conception of being. Only to find it was the body that is new. The I Am is all there is.

Rebirth. Light is all there is. Even if you pass through darkness the light is what you look for. You might rest in the darkness. But, once you realize I Am the light is all there is.

Just breathe. What am I? Form? But what if the form disappears? Just breathe. Relax the body. Rest in the darkness. Enter the light.

Thank You God! Father/Mother of I Am. Bless the form. Help me find the light. Thank you for the moment. Thank you for Being. For I Am.

Note on this meditation:
If you came this far thank you for sharing my flow of consciousness. I have no proof to give you or any great Mic drop or just so narrative. 

I'm a searcher. I'm a pilgrim soul. I've been born again and I've doubted the existence of anything outside physical reality. I've meditated so deeply that I woke up filled with pure white light. I've come to a place in my life where I don't try to play religion or ask preachers what I should think. I certainly respect people of faith and I recognize people of no belief what so ever.

I'm with the Swedish psychiatrist Carl Jung. When asked if he believed in God. He said I don't believe. I Know! I agree. I've come to feel God as being outside space and time and in everything. I truly feel that's what Jesus was saying when he said the kingdom is within. When Buddha rejected his earthly royal birthright it was because he saw God in everything. In all beings.

I fully admit I don't understand all things. I don't know where I'm going or where I came from. That's why sometimes I try to be still. Listen. Just breathe!


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Accidental Buddhist

 If you meet Buddha on the road kill him...Ancient Buddhist saying.

I don't prescribe to religious dogma these days. I respect my friends and families journey but being religious wasn't really making me a better person. I was parroting words I didn't really believe anymore and trying to please others so I could be safely in the club. 

Chasing after the truth and running from those who think they've found it...modern Gnostic podcast.

So here I was meditating and having lucid dreams once in awhile. I keep praying because that has made me a more peaceful person. So I found myself doing a Zen meditation class at a Unitarian Church. 

I really like the relaxation and clearing of my mind. Just being. No false guilt. No trying to prove I was elect of God or that I would have to recite old Roman creeds to prove I loved Jesus.

Drop kick me Jesus through the goal post of life...Bobby Bare

I had a past life memory from childhood which I had kept from really exploring much because it made the adults uncomfortable and I can't blame them because it also made me feel like I had to debunk it in order to remain a good Christian. Anyway it was just a snippet and maybe I had just dreamed it. On the other hand I didn't think of it in dream terms at all.

Send me the pillow that you dream on. So maybe time will let our dreams come true...Johnny Tillotson.

But, I found that the Zen Buddhism believing folks had their own dogma. It was just as sterile as my own fundamentalist upbringing and didn't really feel quite right. Not in any judgemental sense. It just didn't really resonate with my own life experience or even my own childhood memories of a possible past life. 

So I decided to think about what I knew. I knew the idea of Infinite Love putting on human flesh and going through this life the same way I did made sense to me. I decided that even if I wasn't going to be a fundamentalist that I still had my own inner dialog with Spirit. So I decided Jesus Follower worked for me. 

Me and Jesus got our own thing goin' and we don't need anybody to tell us what it's all about...Tom T. Hall

So, instead of being an accidental Buddhist based on some agreements with the teaching of mindfulness I would be what my own upbringing and heart told me I was. I decided to ditch the Republican blue eyed sterile stick up the butt Jesus and follow the Jewish Rabbi who turned the other cheek, recognized no earthly nation as God's only and gave his cloak to the cold and food to the hungry. Who said "the things I do you can do" because we are all God breathed. 

So this year I'm going to let go. I'm going to breathe in and breathe out. Get still and see if I can flow with life. 

I have some years and health issues now that I didn't have to deal with in my youth. But, I also have an honest dialog with the infinite light. We all have a life. Long or short it goes by fast! 

They went rushin' down that freeway messed around and got lost. They didn't care they were just dyin' to get in the Fast Lane. Eagles.

I started this blog to talk about things that interest me. Fun stuff about pop culture. UFO's and horror movies. Stephen King books and sometimes more serious issues like what happens when we die. Is there an afterlife. 

But, it has veered off into partisan politics and fire and brimstone religion and there was this ugly orange guy and a doddering senile guy and people started to love one and hate the other. Both of them became president one after the other. I found myself fighting with people and then one day I realized. 

I'm not getting any younger and life is to short to defend politicians who only want to line their own pockets. I looked in the mirror and this little old man was looking back. 

I've been first and last
Look at how the time goes past
But I'm all alone at last
Rolling home to you...Neil young.

WTF? That can't be me! I have thick light brown hair and hazel eyes and my skin is smooth and young. At least it was yesterday in 1976.But, 1976 was 47 years ago! 

So I decided I really need to chill. I hear by let go of old grudges even the ones where I was mistreated. Not because it's okay but because I don't want the burden of judging another person. I also cut myself some slack for the times I crapped on other people and loved one's! For the times I threw rocks at animals or acted as if they were not important. I was so wrong!

I still like Hank Jr. And Waylon and Willie and the boys. Honky tonk women and cold beer. Warm smell of marijuana on a hot summer night. But, my 60 something year old heart won't allow me to indulge and honestly the memories are better than most of what actually happened back then.

I ain't as good as I once was. But I'm as good Once as I ever was...Toby Keith

I still love Jesus but I don't love the religious dogma. I still love a good cup of coffee in the morning but I no longer can drink a whole pot. 

I still enjoy a Stephen King novel But I can do without his constant political rants.I still love the Eagles but Henley is greedy and Felder is a better or just as good a guitarist as Walsh and I love both of them. I still like the Stones more than the Beatles and Paperback Writer is still a godawful song. 

Southern rock is still the best and I can't stand the music of Bruce Springsteen. I still love the album "Destroyer" by KISS for sentimental reasons even though those boys were never great musicians. 

I'm in the mood. Dance to the music. We can rock all night...Foghat

Slow Ride by Foghat still makes me think of certain people from my past in Altoona/Walnut Grove area in rural Aladambama! 

I still regret trading off my 12 string for an old keyboard in my misspent youth. I still look at the night sky for meteors, shooting stars and interplanetary craft!

You can roll me up and smoke me when I die. But I didn't come here and I ain't leaving!

I have no guru but Willie Nelson and I wish you peace when the cold winds blow.