Autobiography of a Yogi
I met a man during my journey and some part of me recognized a fellow traveler. I read a book lightly but found wisdom that comforted my mind and challenged my doubts. I read of Father and Divine Mother. I read of men and women so deeply longing for God that religion couldn't contain them.
The journey so far:
I sit and wonder not at my sin foisted upon me by some church or priest. But as a devine being of pure joy clothed in light who had forgotten what he truly is. I still remind myself that I'm not that. When i see cruelty, fear, evil or death. I'm not that.
I'm not strong or weak. I'm the eternal expression of all that will ever be. I'm not adopted in to a religion by the power of an organization.
Early in the journey:
I had a dream. As a child. Now i'm old but i never forgot the dream. I was at the foot of a stair way. Someone said every time you take a step closer to God your foot will make a mark. I started up the stairs. I watched every step and every time i looked i saw an image of my foot left on the stairs. I reached the top and looked down and there was the image of my foot. I knew i belonged to God!
The more things change:
Through life i would hear preacher's and others tell me how to belong to God. How to be adopted as if i were ever apart from God. I believed them for a long time. But i never forgot the dream. I knew i belonged to God.
First love:
I met a man. Religion covered his face from me. A great empire created myths and hijacked scriptures and translation. He became an impossibility for me due to the cruel ignorance and anger of religion. But he is an eternal expression of all that will ever be. I could still see his light.
That old time religion:
They said i killed him with my sin. But i knew i belonged to God and couldn't be the reason for the sinful, sick world that in ignorance and fear had rejected the light. He said. Look this life is so important that i joined in the dance. But where i come from is so much more that i experienced the death of this life to show you how to get home.
Stairway Home:
So here i am. I've lost so much and i'm old and my body is tired. I'm still wanting to join the dance but it doesn't seem as intense as it once did. I'm looking for a stairway. I'll know which one when i see it. It will be the one with the stairs clearly marked.
What's life?:
So here i laugh and cry. Covet and lust. Struggle and play. Grow old and yet i still yell at football referees and baseball umpires. But somehow it's not quite as intense as it was. I think it's because i'm waiting for my eternal love to open up before me.
Yadda, yadda, yadda:
I read some books. They spoke of souls or expressions of all that will ever be coming into the dance of earth to learn lessons. I don't know if that's true. I do know we seem to be walking each other home. Maybe we just keep doing that until we all arrive back to where we come from. Maybe the whole eternal infinite cosmos is our playground. I just don't know for sure.
Many Mansions:
I know i belong to all that will ever be and in my father's house are many mansions.
One hand clapping:
It's said that Buddha was a prince. Next in line to be king. But he wanted to see the world before he took his kingship. Once he saw how poor and oppressed people were. Disease ridden and killed he couldn't go back and live in his palace. He didn't become a Cynic or give up on hope. He sought God or enlightenment the rest of his life.
Religion, religion, religion.
But through the centuries monk's and priests in robes decided they could translate Buddha's most intimate thoughts and wisdom and create the way to right thinking.
A priest a Rabbi and a monk walk...:
So I'm careful around religious dogma. I try to learn from wisdom that points me back to my own spiritual journey. But with religion always follow the money and/or the power and leverage. Listen but keep your own inner counsel. Or at least that's my advice to myself.
Auld Lang Syne:
It's been a hard year. I've felt fear, uncertainty and here at the end a grief i could never have prepared for. So here's to 2024 but before i go. I want to bless the ones i've seemingly lost and Thank God i'll find them just as soon as i leave this dream world and enter back to where i come from. Where we all come from.
I will survive:
I make no resolutions for the coming year except to hold on to hope and check every new day and evening for the path home.
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