Sunday, July 17, 2022


 Sunday morning and the sun is shining. Gonna be a hot one but, then again it's July in Alabama. My dog is surely going to starve if I don't get her breakfast right now! It's been an eternity since she ate last night. The cat's however have been feasting all night so they just give me the old "I'll let you know if your services are required look."  So, feed the dog, start the coffee and check the news and Facebook feed on my tablet. Another day in Valhalla. 

I say a silent prayer of intention and think about the world. We had a really morally bankrupt world leader who we exchanged for a senile puppet so the home front looks about as screwed up as ever. I see in my Twitter feed that a young lady is running for Congress and I should support her on the basis of her gender, race and my incredible privilege. The thing is she references a staff. I've never had a staff (other than a cool stick I found in the woods) in my life.

Oh well. What does my fixed income 65 year old privileged self know. I think a lot these days about what I know. My conclusion is that I know squat nothing for the most part. I have a dear friend from 1974 that I had a falling out with. I was called an idiot. Well. I do resemble that remark from time to time. I still love my friend. But, I need room to be human so I'm not going to beat myself up much for being an idiot from time to time. Actually. I'm pretty good at it. 

I have another friend that thinks I need Jesus. Only thing is me and Jesus are tight. I just don't see eye to eye on theology and it's been my experience that all religions start out seeking God. Whoever he/she is.I have my own ideas and I don't do religion these days.

Now not doing religion doesn't mean I'm not religious. Religion is knowing exactly what a God wants you to do based on ancient text and hundreds if not thousands of translations and preachers, guru's and organizations putting the Divine in a box and telling you just what you need to be better than the rest of humankind. 

For me being religious. And I am. Means gazing at the night sky and knowing that all that cosmos is created for my spirit. It means meditating and clearing my mind in this temporary part of the journey and breathing in the Divine mind that I can explore and commune with but, never fully comprehend in this short life. Being religious is sometimes understanding that I'm not responsible for saving the world and we all have our own experience of the journey. It means breathing a prayer of thanks when I eat or wake up and a prayer of hold me when I can't keep physically or mentally going.

I don't do politics anymore either. I don't think people really care about electing the best candidates. For some reason conservatives make excuses for being in a state where Medicaid isn't expanded and rural hospitals have to close. Where a baby is loved in the womb but outside? Not so much. Healthcare and shelter and caring for the poor isn't the government's job. Yet making a 10 year old rape victim have a baby is. I hate abortion. But, just blabbing you're pro life But establishing laws and passing legislation that hurts poor people and children isn't pro life.

The liberals are no better in their hypocrisy. Telling children that they are oppressed just because of their skin. Telling other children that they are guilty of oppression just because of the color of their skin. Causing poor people to identify more with rich athletes and politicians than they do with each other. I personally support a woman's right to choose. But framing it as a holy rite of passage as some far left people do makes me sick. I think most people are fine with abortion in the case of rape, incest or danger to the mother. It's the far right that wants to put a seed ahead of a living woman. It's the far left that wants to deny any personhood at all to a life in the womb.

Anyway, that's over my head. I don't think we need laws written based on religion. By the way if your god can be kicked out of anywhere then your god's too small. But, then again if you think the Divine is an angry old sky god then we aren't talking about the source of all being. We are talking about a comic book character. By the way. Thor is my favorite comic god. Cool hammer, blond nordic good looks and the ladies love him.

I mean can you imagine. A land of gorgeous blonde babes and....oh, wait. I'm no longer 15 years old. So, I'll move on. 

I don't have any problem at all with gay people. A lot of religious people tell marriage is of God. Which is funny because many of them are in their 2nd or 3rd or higher go round. Maybe God just needed to practice

Anyway, if your marriage is sacred it's because you and your spouse make it sacred before God. Not because of a civil contract. So if Bob and Joe want to get married it's their business. Not yours, the church or Disney World. 

By the way I don't care what you identify with as long as you aren't forcing children, animals or vulnerable people to follow or interact with you. But, if you can't or don't have the plumbing to have periods or birth children and you cut off your Willy you are not a biological female. Sorry. But that's biology 101. I'll still call you whatever you want me to if you ask politely. That's called being a decent human. 

There's been a lot of talk about UFO's recently. Government cover ups and conspiracy for reptilian entities to take over the planet. I have seen some things in my time that were certainly unidentified flying objects. But that's the thing. Unidentified. I'm not sure what they were. Including one about 10 years ago give or take that still causes me to watch the night sky to the SW of my home. I think I got the direction right. But I'm not a human compass. 

I tell you what I hope UFO's are not. I hope they're not a dry technological version of Star Trek. But, if they are an evolved version of ourselves not only physically but consciously and spiritually that will take us beyond our 5 known senses that would be wonderful. Or if they are completely spiritual or conscious beings or maybe angels and gods of ancient myth who are responsible for seeding life on earth. Getting us ready to see we have more that unites us than the petty greedy squabbles that divide us. Oh well. Just Sunday rambling.

Getting into my 60's and soon enough beyond them God willing has been weird. I see people my age that can run circles around me. But I also see people my age that can't. When I was young a year seemed like a really long time. Now it seems like days. And not very long days at that.

So, enjoy your Sunday and your week. Although that's often a matter of circumstances. I know from experience that finances, health and relationship has everything to do with our "good weeks" 

So peace be upon you. And me. 

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