Thursday, June 16, 2022

Aliens, Bigfoot and the Multiverse

grew up loving comic love of reading didn't start in an English Lit or American Lit class. It started with Batman, Superman and Archie comics. The bright and dark colors along with the fun and make believe took me away. My grandparents lived in a little coal mining town called Altoona in Northeast, Alabama. Named after a larger city in Pennsylvania after some folks from the Nawth came South.

 Anyway, there was a drug store that was pure Americana. Soda fountain, comic books and a small town innocence. Beside it was a little place where you could get burgers and ice cream. I would walk from my grandparents house to get a comic book. Stop by and get a two scoop cone and sit on my grandparents front porch and be in another world.

As I got older I graduated from comic books to ghost stories and sports stories. Then when I got a library card in my bigger hometown of Gadsden, Alabama I haunted the stacks and was always in a different world. 

I read both fiction and non fiction. My favorite subjects were the supernatural and of course UFO's were part of it. I loved the tabloid type headlines and drawings of little green men from Mars. Starry night time skies and quiet neighborhoods being visited by streaking lights falling from the skies. 

I didn't know if there were aliens but I knew there were aliens. I still love the pop culture of it. I still love to fall down internet rabbit holes (which didn't exist in my youth) and read the possibilities of UFO and alien abduction writers. 

However, I do it as much for fun and the "what if" wonder of looking at the night sky more than trying to prove anything. I can entertain the possibility of other worlds and dimensions without making a religion out of it.

Also I have read a little about the multiverse arguments. Everything that could happen has or will happen. Everything we do starts a different timeline and branches off. Everything we chose not to do we did do somewhere. But, that one just makes me dizzy. So I shift back to the lights in the night sky.

Then there is Bigfoot. Truth be told I never really had much interest in Bigfoot. I mean discovering a hairy,smelly ape just didn't move my interest needle much. Still, some of the Bigfoot hunting TV shows are interesting. But when it comes down to it I'm very skeptical of an animal running around in the woods that never leaves poop, bones or DNA. 

I enjoy listening to podcast while I exorcise or do chores. Paranormal interviews. I never try to ram my views down anyone else's throat. But, if anybody ever tells you there are no credible people working and proving ESP or remote viewing or past lives or non local consciousness then the following is very informative.

Donald Hoffman, Dean Raiden, University of Virginia Perceptual Studies, New Thinking Allowed podcast, Buddha at the Gas Pump podcast, TOE podcast with Kurt Jimengal. There are many more but those are good jumping off points.

But, if you're like me then you have your own worldview and you just want to share fun and intelligent information. I recommend looking at the night sky. Enjoying things that interest you and never asking permission from anyone else in order to explore your part of this journey.

I love a good atmospheric horror movie. There is a lot of junk out there. But also a lot of fun and chills. The Haunting 1963 Robert Wise version is my all time favorite horror movie. The Evil Dead 1-3 is very underrated. Friday the 13th with no sequels and Halloween with no sequels. Saturday the 14th was funny and entertaining. The Faculty is highly underrated. The Exorcist is great and I enjoyed the uncut version. Willard and a remake in the 90's or early 2000's if memory serves was fun. 

Funny story about Willard.  Cindy had gone somewhere or was working late. I really can't remember. But I had popped in a vhs of the Willard remake and it was dark. I never turned on lights back then when I watched movies. So as the evening progressed and the shadows got longer. The popcorn bowl was empty and the soda finished I was well into the movie. What was that shape on the floor? It was dark and I hadn't noticed it before. The little voice in my head said RAT! But, I said "no, that's silly. We don't have rats. Watch the movie." But the little voice said a little louder "yeah, but what if?" so I kept an eye on it and watched the movie. Cindy came in at the end of the movie and flipped on the light. "What is this doing in the middle of the floor?"

Then she picked up my old tennis shoe and asked me how my evening had gone. 


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