Saturday, April 2, 2022
Fools, fanatics and MIC drops
"The whole problem with the world today is that fools and fanatics are so sure of themselves. And wise people are so full of doubts." Betrand Russell
Holy Blather Batman! Is everybody turning into politicians? I remember several years ago hearing political ads on the car radio. I worked for my home county "Etowah" in Northeast Alabama and was fortunate that the job required work outside the office. Anhyway, every political season I would hear the politicans telling me how wonderful, corageous, progressive, conservative and vital they were.
I thought "Ya know if aliens were monitoring our airwaves they would be thinking Wow! These earth beings are tremendous" Their leaders have it all figured out. What exceptional men and women they are.
But I knew that we knew that it was political blather. I even heard a county commission candidate say he was pro life. Which is fine. But, I knew his duties getting potholes filled on Couinty Road 32 most likely wouldn't sway congress or the supreme court on the abortion issue.
But, these were the old pioneer days of the 1980's and 90's. This geeneration has come a long way sine then. (insert heavy dose of sarcasm here.)
I follow cerrain topics these days through the techlology of the world wide web. Don't get me wrong. I love it. People can coo ect and find their tribe Feel less isolated. But the information overload comes with very little wisdom.
Folks say things online that they would never say face to face. At least I hope not. Although in some ways it's evened the plahying field becausxe you cna't be hit or shot by the angry person behind the keyboard. They have to use their wods instead of their fist. ON the other hand people slander and snark and instead of talking they post memes and links and echo chambers and the walk away with very little understanding of the other person.
I love college football and I'm a fan of the ATlanta Braves baseball team I love reading anad hearing about paranormal stuff and via the internet I've found some really intellegent thinkers and researchers in consciousness.
I follow classic rock and I pull of the news on my Fire tablet every morning. So I enjoy the interweb. But, wow people are so self righteous.
I was on Twitter and came across a certain celebrity that I loved back in the day. She made a movie in the 70's about a Janice Joplin type rock star and I felt gave a tremendous perfomace. I also knew a certain young lady in my mispent youth that resembled this particular star back then and had a great figure. But, I'm no longer young or single so Imma hush about that.
This celeb who I still have a warm spot in my heart foris contanstly making "Mic drop" comments aout politics and race. She's not the only one. I see it from both the left and the right.
But here I am with all my quetions. I'm skeptical of what I believe and I'm skeptical of my skepticism. I'm always aware that I could be wrongh. There could be mmore to the story.
Now that doesn't mean I don't have firm life experience and opinions and a worlview. My worldview is evoloving and hard earned. It took years of thought, reading, prayer and meditation to come to a place where I wasn't intimidated by the "authority" of other people's point of view be it science, religion or politics.
I try to keep and open minded curiosity but in 65 yearx on the planet I have finally tuned some folks out. I no longer argue with atheists, fundamentalist Chrisitans and other folks that already have their minds made up. They have nothing new or in my opinion wise to share. So I don't argue with them. Not because I have it all fightred out. I don't. But, I've been there. Have the t-shirt and am no longer going back over already plowed ground. That includes the far right Trumpers and the far left woke mob.
I am appalled at how much censorship is being accepted in my nation today. I see men and women who I admired since my youth for their books, music and art. They were the defenders of free speech and anti censorship. Now I see them wanting to cancel thoughts, books and speech that they deem indecent or politically incorrect.
My grandmother once said it was better for a congregation not to know too much about the pastor. Because once they saw the human side and figured out the flaws they no longer listened to the teaching in the same way. With a clear mind. Instead they would be concentrating on the flaws of the man or woman doing the teaching.
That also applies to some of our artist these days. Sometimes my favorite author or musican will tweet blather and self righteous proclamations and never seem to question their own opinion. At times like that I miss the old days when I din't know or care if they were Democrat of Republican. Left or right. I do think everyone including celebrities and sports stars have a right to their opinion. But they don't have a moral high ground to call for the removal of opinions and elections and states votes just because it makes them uncomfortable.
Some years ago I was reading a review of a book by Rayond Moody. He wrote a ground breaking book inthe 70's on the Near Death Experience. Now it's fine to wonder and he gave some wonderful examples of people having hope beyond the death of the phsical brain. It's also fine to be skeptical and question the meaning.But, one snarky so called skeptic instead of engaging with the book and making legitimate points. Simply stated that "We know Moody is discredited because of mental health Issues." That was his little "Mic drop" IT didn't discredit Raymond Moody at all if you had any kind of thought process at all. But, by bringing up mental health the "skeptic" didn't have to wrestle with the meaning of life after death or the possibilty that Raymond Moody had actually discovered a true narrative. I found that to be common among certain skeptics. Sling mud and disparge the human and say their name in a derogatory manner instead of actually listening and discovering the truh for yourself. Whatever it might be.
That also happens in politics a lot. Lets get the worst possible picture of Michelle Obama or Mrs. Trump and follow it with a sound byte or facebook meme that exaggerates their actual words and then sling mud.
You know you can question critical race theory without being a racist.
you can be pro choice without loving abortion.
You can feel abortion is wrong without being a backwards hypocrite.
YOu are an individual and "prvilege" is not simply a skin color.
Oppressive countries don't allow free speech and right now we still have free speech in America.
Jewish people were not allowed on TV and radio and awards shows to speak up and yell at Nazi's. So NO. YOu are not living in a Nazi like oppessive nation.
God can't be taken out or put in schools. Some of y'all have God confused with Superman. If your God is angry about schools not fooloing a certain religion or if he is wringing his hands because people aren't praising him then guress what? Your god's too small.
Jesus is no more an American that he is Japaneese or African. God isn't an American or an old man that's mad at you for being human.
But, Imma get off this now because religion to me is very personal and people get offended quickly and I'm not here to force my beliefs on anybody else.
Don't call me "Dear white people" because I'm not a white people. I'm Steve. Good to meet you.
I'm not going to mistreat people and I don't judge you by the color of your skin or who you vote for. I have my opinons and I no longer have to suck up to bosses since I retired. I'm old now and I no longer have to impress women or suck in my gut or try to fit in.
At this stage of my journey I feel it's very likely we are eternal God breathed or consiouness evolved beings. In other words. Expressions of Consiousness. Not an accident of chemical processes generated by the brain.
I have my own relationship with spirit. My own medition and prayer life. I have no religion to push at you. No political one size fiths all and no hate towards any ethic group or anyone else.
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Great work Steve!