Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I'm not saying it was Aliens

  But, it was aliens.

I was watching a show on History Channel the other night with Cindy and my son Fox. For all you X-File fans if there are any left. He was named after the lead character. Anyway we were watching the History Channel show called Ancient Aliens and I love that stuff. Not because I'm a true believer. I'm not. But, I've always been fascinated by so called "fringe" stuff. From my childhood I loved reading about ghosts. In my teen and young adult years I loved reading about past lives and flying saucers and psychic abilities. I can remember loving comic books and superhero's and sports. But, there was something about a ghost story that I loved. So, there I am with my wife and teenage son both who are really and truly not as interested as I am in this stuff. Oh, okay. They not only are not interested they flat out don't believe in it. Still, they humor me when this particular show comes on. I think my son thinks I'm a space cadet. I told him I was thinking of attending the meditation classes at the Unitarian Church. He said "Attend it?" You could teach it. Anyway, I have to admit that made me proud. I'm glad I've impressed him in some way.

  Hey Mr. Spaceman. Won't you please take me along. I won't do anything wrong...The Byrds "Mr. Spaceman."

I was watching the show and people were being interviewed and mentioned and I was familiar with them. I mean familiar the way I'm familiar with the classic rosters of the Atlanta Braves or the 70's legends of the Crimson Tide of Alabama. It's a little nitch that I've found over the years and as I watched I realized the names meant nothing to my family but I was completely literate in the culture of the so called fringe and strange. Names like Jacques Vallee, J. Allen Hynek, Phil Klass the cranky skeptic, Barney and Betty Hill and Stanton Friedman. Whitley Strieber and Doctor Jeff Kripal, Grant Cameron and Stephen Greer and Bob Lazar and George Knapp, Skin Walker Ranch and Coast to Coast AM and Art Bell. I thought "wow, I'm a nerd in this stuff." I'm in my sixth decade of life but I'm still awed by the night sky and the possibility that we are not alone. As the ancient alien announcer would say "We have never been alone."

I thought that they were angels but much to my surprise. They climbed aboard their star ship and headed for the skies...Come Sail Away...Styx

 Now before my more skeptical friends call the men with the butterfly nets to  take me away. I'm not a true believer in UFO's. I love the pop culture and I have read enough to know there is something more than hoaxing going on and yet I'm not at all convinced that flying saucers are real. But, like I said. I love reading and watching and talking about this stuff. I haunted the Gadsden Public Library in my youth reading stuff and browsing authors on these subjects. From Edgar Cayce to Ruth Montgomery and later Shirley Maclaine. Not because I was a true believer but because I enjoyed it and also because I was searching for the thread. What was real and possible? Mixed in was a healthy dose of bible belt religion and honestly I know I sound flip. But, I'm not. The prayer and discipline of my Christian upbringing has seen me through some hard times and although I don't identify with any religion these days I still have a foundation from my youth that gets me through the night. But, this isn't going to turn into a serious religious discussion. At least I don't won't to go there. Not in this post.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. ..."Hamlet."

One of the coolest books I've read this past year was "American Cosmic" by D.W. Palsulka. Doctor Palsulka is a professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She is also the chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion. She relates talking with scientist who have actually found metals and materials that have extraordinary makeups and she also relates a visit to the Vatican library and archives that was really interesting. She recounts Carl Jung and even Saint Teresa of Avila. Also, the work of John Mack and others and comes to the conclusion that the UFO movement is actually mimicking the rise of a new religion. Technological and modern but still has religious elements such as guru's and authorities and myths. Really interesting stuff.

Another book that I got into this past year is "Forbidden Science 4 the Spring hill Chronicles, The Journals of Jacques Vallee 1990-1999"
  Jacques Vallee holds a Master's Degree in Astrophysics from France and a PhD in Computer Science from Northwestern University. He was the character the French scientist in Close Encounters of the Third Kind was based on. I have found some really good stuff for my Kindle this year and these journals of Dr. Vallee are really interesting. He kept a journal during his travels around the world pertaining to ufo and other paranormal topics. He tends to think the UFO phenomena and other anomalous events fall into the interdimensional and multi world realms. These journals are an interesting inside look at some of the events and topics that he has interacted with over the years.

I also recently read "A New World" by Whitley Strieber.
This was a really interesting account of Strieber's intense meditation and interaction in visions and dreams and he says actual experience with people and creatures that are part of a larger reality. He lost his wife but talks of a spiritual connection with her that has survived death. No matter what you think of his experiences you have to admit his intense love for her and his intense belief that they are still connected. He has some interesting confirmations provided by other people that you either believe or you have to accuse him of lying. I don't know about his experience but I'm pretty sure he isn't lying.

I'm also in the middle of a book on Ingo Swann by Raul daSilva about the friendship between him and the physic Ingo Swann. Fascinating account of remote viewing and intuition about Ingo Swann. Mr. Swann was a wealthy person but lived in an apartment in New York City in a building that he owned. Yet he would go out and live in the streets to experience homelessness for weeks at a time. He worked with scientist in remote viewing and was a really fascinating person. It's a quick read and gives a lot of background on a person that claimed to remote view the moon and described Jupiter in 1973 at the Stanford Research Center with Doctor Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ. Swann was able to describe the planet Jupiter three months before the Pioneer 10 and 11 in 1973 and 74 and Voyager 1 and two in 1979, The information was accurate and you can find some of the results on and other sources on the internet and in books.

Are you awake? Or are you asleep?...guided meditation on my space cadet journey.

  Sometimes. Not often but sometimes. I have lucid dreams and flying dreams. The other night I was dreaming and I needed something up high. I simply floated up and got it. It felt completely natural and when I woke up I felt like I really had the ability to float up. Now, I understand it was a dream. I get that. I could float in this life if it weren't for that pesky gravity. But, I really do think we are more than this life. I've said I'm not religious and I'm not. Not anymore. There are reasons for that and this isn't the time or place for me to go into them. But, I still maintain that Christianity has the most awesome proposal of any religion bar none.

By that I mean if you think about it. For God the creator of the universe to actually put on flesh and participate in this crazy dance of life and death. Horror and disease. To actually do that out of love? Maybe that's why even though I can't hang with the fanatisism and self rightous b.s. and the angry blood lusting God of the fundamentalist I still consider the spirit of Christ to be awesome. Awesome in a way that the cold fatalistic religions of the East and the crazy blood thirsty god of Islam and the cold sterile scientism of the modern age can't match.

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians...Mahatma Gandhi.

I know the feeling Mahatma. I really, really do. But, I digress. This is about fun stuff and odd stuff and even possible stuff that seems too far out to be real and yet has real evidence that it might be real. On some level.

I read a book about a child who remembered (allegedly) being the baseball great Lou Gehrig. Now, honestly I'm not sure I buy it. But, I do think some of the child's statements and the way he knew some details of old time baseball were provocative. There are better cases and stronger cases for sure. But, I'm a baseball history nerd so reincarnation or not I enjoy the old stories and history of the game. I also found the Gehrig story interesting because the child remembered being a player that while a great name had a tragic death. He died of a disease that was later called Lou Gehrig's disease. It is actually called ALS and it is a horrible debilitating death. It destroys the body and traps the person in a prison of their own flesh until they are finally released at death. There is still no cure. I found it odd the child would  remember "if he actually does" that particular player's life. There are easier and more exciting and longer past lives to remember especially if you are making one up. Of course a two or three year old child is more than likely not trying to fool anyone for fame and fortune. That doesn't mean I buy the story. I have reasons that I don't buy it because I know someone by way of the internet that has some knowledge of that particular case and they have backed away from it. Even though they absolutely feel that reincarnation is real.

Not in entire forgetfullness, and not in utter nakedness, but trailing clouds of glory do we come. From God who is our home...Intimations of Immortality...William Wordsworth

  I can remember as a child we would get the Weekly Reader. We could order books and I was always ordering either something like 13 Alabama Ghost or some other "scary" themed book. Either that or a sports hero book such as Jim Thorpe or Wilt Chamberlin or Babe Ruth.

I remember one book about Wilt Chamberland and it was called "The Gentle Giant." I think the writer was trying to make people appreciate Wilt back in a time when America was even more ( hard to believe) racially divided than it is now. So, he tried to make Wilt into an angel. Which wasn't fair to Wilt who was a human being just like the rest of us. Anyway, he said that Wilt would sometimes not dunk the basketball in order not to hurt the fingers of his opponents. Now, it didn't take long for even my innocent young butt to see through that one. Wilt was a competitor and he would flat out slam that ball into the goal and you fingers be damned. As was only right by the way.

I say that to say this. I understand that we all have things that we like to believe in. Things that keep up from going crazy with fear and grief. So, I can only hope that I'm willing to face the honest truth about life. But, I don't think the honest truth is hopeless or soulless. I don't think the universe is insane or an accident.

The arc of the moral universe is long. But, it bends towards justice. ..Martin Luther King Jr.

So, yeah I will keep watching the skies. I will keep dreaming that I can fly and hoping in the possibility of a world and existence where I can. That doesn't make me deluded or silly. It's something that fully agrees that I'm a flesh and blood human or at least that I am in a flesh and blood earth suit in this physical environment. But, in my deepest being I'm still me and I Am a part of the eternal and so are you. All of us and everything has meaning. So, I choose to see this as an adventure and a journey not a destination.

Two lizards on a rock in the desert. One says to the other "There it is again." That feeling that I was someone called Shirley Maclaine in a past life...Farside Cartoon.

 Your only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it...Robin Williams.

I think I'll let my little spark shine.


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