I was working today and I was speaking
to a person about social work matters when I asked the DOB which is Social Work
talk for the person’s Date of Birth. I then wrote it down and in my own mind. I
promise I didn’t say it out loud. I noticed the person was of a pretty advanced
age at least to me. Then I noticed that she was born in the same decade
although early while I was born late in the decade. But, any way I thought to
myself “What the Fuck?” Sorry, but that’s exactly what I thought. I can’t be getting
to such an advanced age that a 66 year old is born in the same decade. I need a
recount! I need to speak to management! Sheesh!
I’m not saying I’m getting old..I’m
just saying if I were milk you would want to smell me before you poured me on
your cereal.
I’ve been thinking more and more
about my eternal destination this year. I went from a person whose most serious
health issue was a little high blood pressure controlled by a pill (or so I
thought) to having major heart surgery to
replace a leaky valve. So, yeah as I get older the questions become more
immediate. I buy things like a shirt or a book or a movie and think “Ya know?”
I might die and this shirt will still be here or this movie or book will still
be on my kindle or dvd shelf. Its nuts I tell ya.
There are two types of very vocal
folks that I keep running into during my journey on this spinning ball hurtling
through space going around an extremely hot star while dressed in a flesh suit
held together by bones. Both are very
sure of themselves and two sides of the same coin in my experience. The first
is the really religious fundamentalist. Now, I was raised a Christian in the
Bible Belt so when I say fundamentalist I’m talking about Christian fundamentalist.
That’s not to say there aren’t other types of fundamentalist or that it’s wrong
to be a fundamentalist. It’s just not for me and to be honest without being
snarky. It’s not for anybody who honestly questions who we are and what we are
here for. The other type is the hard core atheist who loves to set up a straw
man and knock it down and think in their little box of a brain that they have
demolished all reason for faith and hope beyond a few fast furious wonderful
tragic moments on this earth. I think of
it like this. The first type says something like “if evolution is true then why are there
still monkeys?” Ha, gotcha. The second type says something silly like “If god
exists then why doesn’t he come down right now and show himself to me?” Ha,
gotcha. A pox on both their houses. But,
I digress. Again.
If you’re up there, please save me
Superman!... Homer J. Simpson.
Then there are people who question and
wonder and consider the most important question in the world to be what happens
when I am out of this earth suit? A static heaven with an angry deity who
demands blood sacrifice seems unlikely to me. Eternal oblivion and no other
purpose in a soulless, mindless and honestly non intentional universe also
seems unlikely to me. Now there are people all over the place on these subjects
and I don’t mean to say these are the only two choices you have. But, these are
examples of the more vocal adherents and then there’s me.
“I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t
want to be there when it happens”….Woody Allen.
I have now been walking the earth
for over six decades. It’s funny because when I was born I remember looking
(well not on the same day but in the next 5 or 6 years) in a mirror and
thinking “That’s not me.” I didn’t know what reincarnation was. But, when I would close my eyes at night I
would see faces of familiar looking adults that I had no knowledge of in this
lifetime. I also had a “memory” of an old man who died sitting in a chair and I
asked my mother once about the old man. She said "Stephen stop talking silly and go outside and play." I have a brown birthmark which looks
like an age spot on the top of my right hand. Of course now I have more than one legitimate
age spot but this one was on my hand from birth. Proof of anything? No, I
have no interest in converting people to a religion or philosophy and I will
not be taking up a love offering at the end of the evening. Also, I will not be
questioning your intelligence because you don’t see the world the same way I
I’m reminded of an old joke. This reporter
asked a TV evangelist how he shared his money with God since he seemed to have
so much with a mansion and a private jet. “Well it’s simple” the evangelist replied.
I take the offering in my office and throw it up in the air. Everything God
catches, he keeps.
Full Disclosure here: I honestly don’t
know what happens when we die. I don’t know at the moment of death if we are
reincarnated, sleep for a period, oblivion or judged for our sins and faults. I will say
that oblivion to me seems highly unlikely.
Fuller Disclosure: I’m not an atheist.
I’m not even an Agnostic. I am as certain of spirit and intent and an
intentional ground of being “God” as I am that I was born and have parents and
will one day shuffle off this mortal coil. From everything I have experienced
and lived during my lifetime including dreams and some visions and intuitions I
can say that there is something going on around here.
In the words of that long ago rock
group Buffalo Springfield “ there’s something happening here. But what it is
ain’t exactly clear.”
There are many books and writings
and even some movies that I find inspirational. Three stand out at this stage
in my life. Not because they are the absolute best I’ve ever seen or read. But,
they did have an impact. Are they roadmaps to the afterlife? I think they may each
have some semblance of the picture but not a detailed step by step manual. I don’t
know that there is such a thing or ever could be. I expect the next life to be
at least as intense and convoluted as this one so I doubt one size fits all.
Astral City: This is a movie
released in 2010 and I saw it either on Netflix or Amazon. I streamed it and
those are the two services we have so it had to be one of them. It’s based on a
book written in 1944 by Chico Xaiver who I have learned was a well known medium
born in Brazil. He claimed to have channeled the book from a spirit named Andre
Luiz who was a successful business man on earth. I don’t know if anyone
matching the identity of Andre Luiz was ever found or even searched for because
I’ve only seen the movie once and didn’t even realize at the time it was based
on channeled material. Although my wife Cindy can tell you. I can be looking
right at you and not really hear or pay attention to a word you say. So, I may
have zoned out on the part identifying the source of the movie.
Anyway, in the movie the business
man isn’t a stereotypical evil villain. He’s like many of us in that he over
indulges and doesn’t always take care of himself. As I’ve said before I don’t do guru’s and I don’t take anybody
else’s opinion on faith or religion or ultimate authority without questioning
and making up my own mind. But, anyway this guy dies. I can’t remember just
how. It might have been a heart attack from overeating and drinking. He finds
himself in a kind of limbo or purgatory. It’s dark and he’s not really conscious
or at least he’s very weak. One night he’s rescued by volunteers from the
nearby city called “Nosso Lar” which means “Our Home.”
He’s taken to a spiritual hospital
and nursed to health and reunited with his group soul. These are people who he
has always been with in spirit and has shared many lifetimes on earth together.
Contrary to new age and uneducated opinion a “soul mate” doesn’t always mean a
lover or spouse. It’s someone that you are connected with in spirit. They could
be and have at some time been a blood relative or a lover or even a foe. Anyway, the people in the Astral City live in
peace while waiting for others who are still on earth to arrive and also until
they themselves are once more reincarnated.
They are aware on some level of
things happening on the earth and one day the news comes that a great war is
about to break out on earth. The sky over the sea (if I remember correctly) is
dark and it symbolizes the strife and death and suffering of war.
My Take: I do resonate with the idea
of group souls and also with the idea of healing and learning once we are away
from this body. However, I don’t think eating sweets and fried food will cause
you to go to purgatory if there is such a place. Still, it’s an interesting
movie and I highly recommend it.
“What Dreams May Come” Richard
This was made into a movie starring
Robin Williams and of course the movie
and the book are different. It’s the book that made an impression on me. Although,
I liked the movie. I listened to the Audible version and I’m glad I did. While
it is a well written account in the form of a novel the writing at times bogged
down a little and I was glad to be listening to it instead of reading. Although
Richard Matheson was an excellent author. He wrote for the original Twilight
Zone and has been identified by Stephen King as one of his inspirations.
Anyway, Mr. Matheson said this particular novel was based on his own beliefs
and experience and he used fiction to tell a broader truth in this particular
The main character named Chris
Nelson is married to his soul mate Annie. He dies unexpectedly and Annie is
left to grieve him. He makes several attempts to reach her but she is so buried
in her own grief and pain and unbelief that he could still be in existence that
she unknowingly refuses to hear him when he tries to reassure her that he still
is in existence. It’s a very well told
story and he ends up reincarnating at the end just to share the planet with
her. She eventually had to reincarnate to a life with some physical limitations due to having taken her life after her husband dies.He had tried to rescue her from her own personal purgatory once she died.
But, even in death she wasn’t able to recognize that she was dead and that he
was actually there. She was in a shadow home that was a darker and lonelier
duplicate of the home they shared. Anyway, his journey from “summerland” to try
and reach her in the darker parts of the afterlife is well told and intense and
I won’t even try to reproduce it here. One other thing about this story caught my attention. Soul mate or mates might not be blood relatives. The main character had a very unemotional and cold relationship with his earthly father. He visited with his father in the afterlife and there were no hard feelings. But, they were not going to continue a soul relationship either. They both had their own journey and soul connections.
My Take: The main character dies and
after some difficulty reaching him the spirit guide who is actually a beloved
uncle from his past introduces him to his new home in a place that is likened
to “Summerland.” A place of light and
peace where people of like mind interact and live peacefully and attend classes
and have large libraries where they can learn the “true history of the earth”
as opposed to the political agendas of earthly historians. They also have
access to their past incarnations on earth. In this age of political stress and
political correctness the attraction of having a true history of anything is
attractive. Also, this particular
depiction of a place of recharging and evolving is more attractive (true or not
I can’t say) than simply blindly reincarnating right away. I think I need a
time out. For a little while at least.
Journey to an Afterlife Time: I’m not even sure of the title. It’s
something I picked up on my Kindle a few years ago. I don’t think it was clear
if the writer was recounting an actual experience that he thought of as real or
if he was writing straight fiction. But, in the narrative the main character
dies and finds himself on a long road. He is able to stop along the way maybe for
decades or months since time is not like earth time. He lives in the mountains
and by the sea and in the country and the city. Wherever his desire takes him.
He also meets people from his recent earthly life along the road even coming
upon neighborhood stores from his youth. It’s a fascinating journey and the
long and endless road resonates with me. Might be the American love affair with
the open road but I do like it.
At one point he is missing his
earthly wife and travels to see her. This is dangerous and he is putting his
own soul in some jeopardy by doing it. He finds she is remarried and he is
angry. Her new husband is ill and he realizes that this man has been good for
his wife and family and she will miss him terribly when he dies. The spirit
(main character) then prays and channels good vibes to the man and he recovers.
It’s a very unselfish act considering how much he still loves his wife. It’s an
interesting take on relationships both earthly and spiritually.
My take: I have already said I love
the road that never ends. I am always excited in life to find a country lane
and follow it. It’s a little disappointing when it ends. It gets boring once I
know it’s limits. So, a road that never ends and you never know what or who is
around the next bend is fascinating to me. I’ve had dreams in my life of familiar
places where I would travel down a road and come upon a brand new town or city
in the dream
The other thing about this account
was the earthly bonds and how they translate in the spiritual. You can be one
couple on this earth and even know each other after leaving the earth. But, relationships are fluid and
Finally, is this what I believe
about the afterlife? If so then which version is better? Well in all honesty I
think this wonderful, tragic world that we inhabit is just one part of an
eternal journey. I know I am no longer very orthodox in my religious thinking. But,
I have at times thought that maybe one of the things Jesus was doing on the
cross was showing how incredibly precious this life is while showing that even
this can’t compare to our true home. Even death and suffering is worth the
journey to our true home. Now that’s not orthodox theology and I’m not trying
to pretend that it is. It’s just a thought.
Some people are happy with the
thought that the brain is all there is. Some are happy with the thought of
sinners in the hands of an angry god. I tend to think the truth is what we do
here matters but it’s also a school. A part of a larger journey. Maybe eternity
is our journey to discovering God and maybe even God is evolving so our journey
will never end but will certainly keep us moving towards light and life and
One of the lines from "What Dreams May Come" sums it up best.
“We are part of a plan, never doubt
that. A plan to bring each one of us to the highest level of which we are
capable. The way will be dark at times but it leads, assuredly, to light”
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