Monday, June 20, 2016

Thoughts and Rants.

What you have done to the least of these. You have done to me…..Jesus

So now our choices are down to a cruel idiotic bully and a narcissist jerk that got a young girls rapist off by taking the girl down. Now, one was recent and one was long ago. But, both speak so much to the character and quality of these two “candidates.”  Trump is too chicken s..t to admit he made fun of a disabled reporter. Although, the “video” is there. At least be a man you piece of ….Oh well, I digress

Hillary says she had “No choice” and tried to get out of it way back in 1975. Still she chuckled about it as recently as a few months ago and her defenders saying it was taken out of context? Oh good gravy.


There’s no way now for you to get the Democratic or Republican nomination without being able to raise two or three hundred million dollars, or more, and I would not be inclined to do that. And I would not be capable of doing it.

“We’ve become now an oligarchy instead of a democracy. And I think that’s been the worst damage to the basic moral and ethical standards of the American political system that I’ve ever seen in my life.”


So, what’s the point in voting? Honestly? I’m not sure. But realistically? Given that we have to choose one. I’ll have to vote for the narcissistic  heir to the throne with apologies to King George. Because if you have lived and watched names such as Kennedy, Bush, Romney, Clinton and countless politicians on the local, state and federal level going into the “family business.” Then you have to know that we do indeed have political Royalty in this nation.

But, if I’m in an airplane and I have to choose between bad people then I have to at least choose the one with the pilot’s license. That would be Hillary. It’s a shame that she will now be thought of as the pioneer who broke through the glass ceiling for women. Because, honestly there are many, many better women than her.


COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this—to stay informed and to understand the world?

PALIN: I've read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media, coming f—

COURIC: But like which ones specifically? I'm curious that you—

PALIN: Um, all of 'em, any of 'em that, um, have, have been in front of me over all these years. Um, I have a va—

COURIC: Can you name a few?

PALIN: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news too. Alaska isn't a foreign country, where, it's kind of suggested and it seems like, 'Wow, how could you keep in touch with what the rest of Washington, D.C. may be thinking and doing when you live up there in Alaska?' Believe me, Alaska is like a microcosm of America.[10]


So, no not her. Not Sarah “Oh, I read em all.” Palin. I still haven’t forgiven John MCcain for foisting that intellectual moron on the nation. Has it been hard for me to take the G.O.P. and MCain in particular serious since then as far as national elections? You Betcha.


I remember when I worked for Etowah County in Gadsden, Alabama. A county Commissioner ran on being “pro life.” Really:? A COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I don’t think fixing potholes will have a real impact on the right to life debate. That’s how much respect these folks have for the voters. It’s as if a governor ran a campaign and had no clue as to how he or she was going to lead. But, just kept saying “I’m against Obama.” I mean how smart would you be to elect an imbecile like….Oh, Never Mind. Roll Tide and War Eagle y’all.


I really think we need term limits. But, on the other hand maybe this is what the majority really want for themselves. I have watched my home state gut education and social services. Hospitals facing possible closure. Industry going across state lines. But, ya know what? At least “we” showed Obama. Sheesh!


I could go on and on and offer quick fixes. But,  I really don’t have any. The only thing I can say is we need to hold all politicians accountable and stop being manipulated like football or basketball fans for a sports team. Stop thinking that these people are “godly” or have integrity or honesty. These are bought and paid for political whores and we need to stop the worship of them. Make them work for the money. Ya know what? A soldier “serves.” A firefighter “serves.” A police officer or a nurse or even a …Blushing here, social worker can serve. But, the next time I hear a rich @#$%$ politician named Bush, or Clinton or any other elected official say they serve? Well, lets just say I’ll try not to throw up in my own mouth. Sheesh!

So, yeah I’ll vote for Hillary. But, not because I think she’s a hero or has a servants heart. But, because I think the G.O.P. has lost its collective mind and at least the democrats will listen. But, that’s my opinion. Everybody has to follow their own heart. But, I’ll have to vote for my wallet and since I’m not independently wealthy I can’t vote G.O.P. Well that and the fact that Donald Trump is about as much a conservative republican as Mickey Mouse is. 

Anyway, that’s my rant. As always. I could be wrong.


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