Thursday, October 10, 2024

Relationship in Autumn

 I found a leaf in the yard today.So, I looked at this Leaf. Thinking about, How fast life has gone. And I'm walking out. By my car that needs some work. In a body that probably needs some work. And there's this orange leaf. Turned by the Fall. And it's beautiful. I look at it  the reddish orange colors blending with black.

It's got holes in it. It's tattered. It's brittle. But it's still beautiful.

That's kind of what old age is feeling like to me.

A little shaky 

A little more fragile. But sometime when the light hits just right. The colors hit just right. It's still beautiful. Life is a gift. I think it's part of a long journey. I've come to feel, there's nothing but being And we get in these vehicles, these bodies. And we travel through a lifetime.

And the one thing that I have found, That I have held on to is relationship. I think that's all. That's what it's about. Relationship. And sometimes you find somebody from your tribe. You just light up. Sometimes you see somebody or you, miss somebody, you haven't seen for a long time.

The very Consciousness that Produces that leaf. The source of life. Doesn't die when the leaf does.

And that leaf, maybe produces and mingles with more life as it deteriorates Into the ground. I don't know. I'm not a Philosopher.

And I'm not a theologian.

But that's just one of the things I have found on my journey. I've seen a lot of beautiful People. Even people I didn't know were beautiful at the time. They're beautiful in my memory. And there's part of me that Because I do feel strongly life is an eternal journey see it all as a Continuum.

Sometimes I can't wait to drop This body I inhabit. Get to the next phase. But if you put a gun to my head right now, I'd beg for my life, this life

But if you said, what's it all about, That would be my answer. Relationship.

I've blown so many and was oblivious to even more. I lived with my head up my butt most of my life. But now in the Fall with Winter coming. I like to think about the Spring. When the leaves will be green again and relationships thought lost will prove to be found. 

I don't much follow religious dogma these days. But i follow the hope that all religions at their best point towards. The healing and finding relationships and the journey home. 

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