Sunday, May 26, 2024

Heaven and Earth

 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, / than are dreamt of in your philosophy...Hamlet

 I love the lore and pop culture of ufo's & aliens. Movies like the original Invaders from Mars, Close Encounters, The Blob to Men in Black and so on.

I remember my love of the offbeat and old black and white sci-fi movies was nurtured by my mother. We didn't agree about several things but when it came to loving "scary movies" & The Green Bay Packers (long story) we bonded.

 But there is another side to the UFO question that led me down fun but actual plausible reality that there really are more things in heaven and earth. 

I've always loved books. I don't know how a person who never reads even has a worldview. But i've met plenty of intelligent people that don't read. So i don't want to make blanket statements. Anyway i have always gotten information from haunting my local library. But i haven't been to a library in years. Different world and a subject for another time and another Boomer place.

The fun for me is movies. Give me a darkened movie theater, an xtra large buttered popcorn 🍿 with a large coke. Walking down a sticky aisle of spilled soft drinks and popcorn headed for the front up near the screen. Pump up Independence Day or Invaders from Mars or even Mars Attacks. I remember enjoying the movie remake (not the boring Netflix series) of Lost in Space. 

For a couple hours the concern of sugar, caffeine and salt overload as i eat buttered popcorn and sip coca cola is forgotten. Space battles, heroic scientist's and babes in tight fitting space uniform's take me to a different place.

The plausible:
Jaques Vallee is a long time researcher, scientist and author. He was the inspiration for the French scientist in Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I came across some books he has written. The most interesting to me is "Passport to Magonia." It gets a little tedious because he uses account after account. Years and centuries after centuries and my eyes glazed over a little.

But, the way he brings the legends and similarities of the Celtic Little people and the aboriginal natives and the flying crafts of ancient texts together is fascinating. Also early "airships" in Europe and North America. I think his theory is that mankind shares this planet with a none human intelligence that has shaped our religions, legends and inner being since before recorded history. 

If you're interested at all i recommend Vallee, Whitley Streiber, Richard Dolan, Lesley Kean and others. You might not be convinced. I'm not. At least not entirely. But it's an interesting and entertaining rabbit hole to follow.  The Scary:
I read a book called Song of the Greys by Nigel Kerner. He's passed now but his writing about aliens was disturbing. Every once and awhile you come across a book or a podcast and hope the writer is wrong. Nigel Kerner put together biblical accounts of Jesus and The Shroud of Turin with accounts of demonic and alien intentions that was truly scary. If true. I hope it's not. 

He didn't claim religion. Which actually helped his case in my opinion because he didn't have a religion to sell. He seemed to be saying the Greys or Gray aliens were automated unconscious beings who were manipulating and trying to take human souls. Sounds like a bad movie plot. But, Nigel Kerner made a good enough argument that it was disturbing.

Podcasts:don't read as much or watch regular TV as much. But i love to watch clips and shows on YouTube. I do a jigsaw puzzle on my tablet or color to keep my hands busy and listen.

For UFO stuff i recommend Whitley Streiber, Richard Dolan, Kurt Jaimungal (TOE podcast) and several others. People being interviewed like Lue Elizando, Chris Bledsoe, Gary Nolan, Diana Palsulka and lots of others.

So grab your popcorn and take a journey. There's plenty of honest reasons to consider reality and plenty of fun to kick back and explore. 

Until next time "So long and Thanks for all the Fish" 
If you get that one you Might be a member of my tribe.
Peace! 👽

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