Friday, April 12, 2024

Yoganonda,Willie Nelson & Me

 I didn't come here and i ain't leaving...Willie Nelson 

I always say I have no Guru. Except Willie Nelson. If i had a guru it would be Willie. Scarred, flawed and brilliant. I rarely hear anything i disagree with from Willie and he seems to own his flaws.

I know i own mine. Sometimes i think i'm misunderstood. But then after reflecting i think. "Nah. I really do have my head up my own butt most of the time." Often people who have judged me have been in the ballpark. It's just that they mostly needed to work on their own junk. I wake up in this skin everyday.

God is asleep in the rock, dreaming in the plant, awake in animals and fully awake in man... Parahasma Yoganonda 

Waking up isn't easy. Realizing that preachers and teachers and churches and 6000 year old traditions are no closer to the mind of God than my next thought. Somewhere down through the years I started to own my self. To trust that God, Goddess, Source is the only one with access to my deepest being and will never abandon me. 

After a hard day I'm safe at home. Fooling with my baby on the telephone. Out of nowhere somebody cuts in. And says. You in some trouble boy. We know where you been...Eagles "On the Border."

I lived too long answering to someone else's opinion on how i lived life. I'm now at a place where I try to be me and just be honest. I don't pretend to be cool or religious or politically correct. I'm just Steve. Or as i say "I Am."

I'll fly a starship across the universe divide. And when i reach the other side. I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can. Perhaps i'll become a Highwayman again. Or i may simply be a single drop of rain. But i will remain. But I'll be back again and again and again and again and again...Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and Kris Kristopherson.

I read Autobiography of a Yogi by Parahasma Yoganonda. Well i should say i read through a lot of it and listened on Audible. I found a reverence for the Divine and a view of Christ and Christ Consciousness that resonated with my spirit. Not a dogma. I don't do dogma. Not a religion. I don't do religion. But a spiritual addition to my own path. 

I have no intention of promoting anything or converting anyone. I just enjoy talking about things that i find important. There is a saying some attribute to Buddha. " You don't have to attend every argument you're invited to." When it comes to politics and religion i take it to heart. I'll discuss but not argue.

I found chapter 43 in Autobiography of a Yogi subtitled The Resurrection of Sri Yuketeswar to be a game changer for me. I've read this chapter. Meditated and listened via Audible a few times. The Audible version of chapter 43 is a master class of the journey of spirit. From the gross body to the astral to the casual. 

If you are firmly religious or firmly atheist then most likely you won't be interested because it doesn't go into apologetics trying to convert or convince you. It also has lots of flowery prose and veneration of Yoganonda's guru Sri Yuketeswar. I found much of it more of a homage to the guru Sri Yuketeswar than a concrete Western style religious story. 

But taking in my own journey which is on going i found a treasure trove of ways of looking at what we call death.

Do i recommend it? Not necessarily. I have come to a place where i understand that all of us are on our own unique journey. But if you have any interest in Eastern thought or have studied meditation or reincarnation at all then I think it can be valuable to you. 

Blessed is the one who was alive before he was born... Jesus "Gospel of Thomas."

My main goal now is to treat every creature the way i would want to be treated. I don't always succeed and i don't always even try. But it's my only religious creed these days. 

Christian universalism, or in context simply universalism) is the doctrine that all sinful and alienated human souls—because of divine love and mercy—will ultimately be reconciled to God.

I might not be sure of the vehicle. But i'm sure we are all just walking each other home.

Love never fails... Jesus.

Now before you accuse me of picking and choosing let me tell you now. We all choose every day of our lives. I choose to listen to my heart and i'll choose love. It never fails.


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