I am immersed in thine Divine Light... Parahasma Yoganonda
I've been interested in meditation from my youth. But being raised in the bible belt the discipline of meditation wasn't really part of my upbringing. However silent prayer was and later in life i found they went well together.
As i grew away from the dogma i was raised in i found strength in silent prayer and meditation. As i grow more sure footed on my path i find the stillness of meditation calms my body and helps calm what i call "monkey mind" or the swirl of thoughts and worries when i get or try to get still.
I am living in that light...yogananda
During a week sometime ago i started having a recurring theme in my dreams. I remember it as a week maybe it was just one or two nights. Maybe more. But at some point in the distance I would see someone standing and a bright beam or light would be coming out of their forehead.
I didn't really think that much about it at the time because it was once or maybe twice. (Yes i know my time frame keeps changing.)
It fills every particle of my being... Yoganonda
So one day i'm meditating lying down using an app on my phone. Somewhere in the meditation i drifted off. As i was between sleep and coming awake i found myself plunged into complete light! Brighter than 3 suns but yet my eyes were completely comfortable. I actually thought "wow, how peaceful and pleasant and my eyes are fine "
The Divine Spirit fills me within and without... Yoganonda
Also when i thought about it i felt everything that is,was or ever will be is in that light.
I could have touched my loved ones and been home if i had stayed. But I don't remember being given a choice. If i was then here i am. If i wasn't then here i am.
So why am i writing about meditation? Quoting a Hindu guru and sounding like a new age space cadet? I promise it's not meant to convert anyone or try to say this is the way to salvation. I'm at a place where God,Goddess,Source,Spirit or even atheism is fine by me as long as you're respectful of my own journey.
Be still and know that I Am God...The Bible
I've found wisdom in different texts and ways of being. I've also found things that are contradictory in certain text and perhaps corrupted from the original.
I sometimes like to speculate on concepts that are either important, interesting or just plain fun to me. I also have friends who sometimes are curious about meditation or why i "believe" in reincarnation or Christian Universalism (Christ will reconcile all to himself.)
But the truth is i don't "believe." I experience and try to treat others as i want to be treated. Death is a continuation of my journey. I don't look forward to sickness or disability or disease. I'm not in a hurry. But i do look forward to seeing what's over the upcoming hill.
What you do to the least of these. You do to me...Jesus
Finally to my Christian friends and family. For they are many since i'm Southern and from the bible belt.
I often see you post things that i absolutely find wrong or misguided about angry god and wrathful Jesus. I keep scrolling. Because i either love you or respect that you have been raised in it or truly believe it.
But once in awhile an angry atheist or born again Christian will leave a little snark. I wouldn't do it to you out of respect. If you do it to me I won't dog cuss you or block you. But i'll delete your comment and consider your opinion silly at best and extremely disrespectful at worse.
I love to talk about religion, spiritual journeys and even politics in person. But social media has become a vast echo chamber of people yelling over and at each other.
But wisdom is justified of all her children...Luke 7:35
So if you find hope, wisdom or peace in my little sharing of my morning or nightly meditation i thank you. If not? Keep scrolling.
Om, Peace, Amen!
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