Thursday, March 18, 2021

Lisey's Story Revue

 Wow! Great immersive story. I've been reading Stephen King since the 70's. At 64 I am a long time Constant Reader. So this wasn't my first time reading "Lisey's Story." I actually didn't like it at all when I first read it. Through the year's many of the people who like Stephen King still dislike this book. It's a little meandering and there is the intimate story of a marriage told in flashback style all through the novel.

But once you fall through the hole in the page it's a story that comes alive in your mind. The supernatural elements seem to fit seamlessly so that you don't really have to suspend belief to accept them. They are just there. Of course. Like preferring cream in your coffee or sugar in your tea. Just part of the narrative. 

Stephen King was quoted somewhere as saying this was his best work or his favorite work. I thought "yeah right." yawn. But, I realized I had rushed through it when I first read it. I also realized I didn't even really remember the plot. So, I found it months ago in a Dailey Deal for Amazon Kindle. $2.99 or whatever it was that day is a steal for a Stephen King novel. 

So, I finally downloaded it to my Fire and started reading it slowly. Kind of read a little then go on to other books or TV or whatever. Then I found the hole in the page at some point. Lisey became alive and I wondered how she was doing with Scott and her sisters. The space cowboy (you have to read it for that to make sense) and the pie bald long boy. 

Being retired I now have more time to savor a book. If you want a quick, lean read this isn't it. But, if you want to get caught up in a story and the inner life of a character and relationship this is good. I know that sounds like a romance and I'm not into that.

But, trust me. This isn't a romance bodice ripper. This is blood and guts narrative with horror, crime and relationships. I can finally see why Stephen King is so high on this book. I like Salem's Lot and The Shining more as far as ranking books. But, this one has more depth. Highly recommended.

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