Thursday, December 31, 2020

We'll take a cup of kindness yet.

   Another year gone. I know it's been a hard one and honestly? The calendar turning doesn't guarantee things will ease up soon. But, hope is what keeps us going and I'm hoping things get better for the world at large soon. 

Anyway, it's been quite a year. People from all walks of life coming together to yell, cuss and demonize each other. It must warm the devils heart if there were such a being. I'll leave that to the more theological and religious minuded. 

But, here at the end of the year I have a personal tradition Since my early 20's and I'm now in my early 60's I take a New Year's Eve walk and talk to God. Now I haven't always managed it the past several years. But, somewhere between around 20 years old up until around 35 years old I did it faithfully. After that I did it most years and finally in my old age I am trying to revive it. It helps to clear the head.

I would always get a cup of coffee and a breakfast biscuit and head to the woods or the falls or the mountain and get somewhere away from other people and just talk out loud to God. About life and loss and hope and plans. It helped get me through some troublesome times in my youth. It helps center me now. But, today I decided to go into my own back yard and meditate instead of heading off into the woods. Honestly it's been years since I've really felt comfortable just heading out. When I'm in Gadsden or Walnut Grove or Altoona area of Etowah County I feel pretty much at home. But, it's been years since I've lived in "God's Country." 

So, today was meditation in my back yard. Well the thing is I did manage a little conversation. But, then my neighbor to the South came up the private road that leads back to his little neighborhood hood on his tractor with a grater smoothing out the right of way. Then my young neighbor came out and met with a friend in his back yard and before you knew it things were a little crowded for quiet time. 

Oh well, with age comes a little toughness and ability to roll with the punches so I decided to make a list of things I'm thankful for or enjoyed this past year. There are plenty of things that went sideways during the year. People who  got mad over politics and people who just didn't get my brilliant take on the political and social scene. But, there were also some really neat things that I'm thankful for. So, here's my list. Not all of it.

A wise woman once said to me "Steve, some things you don't discuss with anybody but God." I have found that to be good advice so this isn't a complete list but it is a real list of things that I like about life right now.

Jesus: Not the bible thumping angry judgmental Republican Jesus. Also, not the new age hippy Democrat Jesus. But, the incarnation of the Divine that I talk with about everything. Now, I might not think religion is important these days. I have my own reasons for that. I also don't recite any creeds. But, my inner life and my trust that it means something is still intact. So, why Jesus and not Buddha or Mohammed or Darwin? Well, for me and I do mean for me. The thought of the Divine being so in love with his creation that he/she would step into flesh to live it with us is an incredible thought. Now, did I pull it out of my butt? Not entirely, but yeah somewhat. But, it feels right to me and I can dance to it so I'm not going to argue about it.

Books: I grew up reading comic books and ghost stories. I discovered Stephen King via a paperback in the Gadsden, Alabama Mall bookstore around 1975 or so. I read constantly and really liked horror novels back then. But, a good Western or a Sports book or a mystery story would also pull me in. But work and responsibility pulled me and I read less for pleasure except for none fiction. I still enjoyed dipping into a UFO account or researching reincarnation or Christian takes on those subjects and some skeptical thoughts also. But, mostly I worked and got farther away from reading for pleasure. Well, since retirement I've rediscovered a love for reading a good book. I've read about three Rex Stout books about Nero Wolf and they hold up well even though they were written before my time. I've read or listened on Audible to all of Craig Johnson's Longmire mysteries. I've read a New York Times reporter Leslie Kean talking about UFO's and Life after Death. I've dipped in to reincarnation research and religious apologetics. I've read some Stephen King books again and I've read some Ian Rankin Scottish crime novels. Some Lincoln/Childs books and a John Sanford mystery. All in all I've found that my old brain cells can still enjoy a good book or explore a good UFO or paranormal case. 

Old TV Shows: I"ve discovered Perry Mason is an excellent show and I record it watch it by speeding through commercials. I love the old Alfred Hitchcock Hour and Police Story and Adam 12. I have enjoyed Carol Burnett and Red Skelton and The Andy Griffith Show. Nash Bridges and Murder She Wrote. Get an apple or two instead of a candy bar (although I backslide) and chill in front of the TV watching the classics.

Guitar: I've rediscovered strumming my ole six string and pulling up old classic rock chords and lyrics on my computer.

Movies: Some Clint Eastwood and some Mel Brooks and every once in awhile some good Film Noir. TCM has a movie on a spot called "Noir Alley" where I find some pretty good stuff.

Facebook: I know that we all get frustrated at facebook because if you are like me. You don't appreciate facebook or anybody else deciding what is fake news and what is worth reading. I'm a big boy. But, on the other hand I have been able to be active in some of my favorite author's groups, reincarnation groups, paranormal groups, classic rock groups, sports groups and also some old classmates and friends and new friends I can discuss things with over messenger. So all in all facebook is a positive. Has some issues for sure. But, I have enjoyed the interaction.

Walks: Going outside and putting on my earbuds and getting in some walking and tossing a ball to my dog and playing tug of war with an old rope. Just chilling. 

Once pandemic is over I plan on long lazy days in the bookstores of Tuscaloosa and walking around the walking trail at a local park and sipping coffee at Panera Bread. Maybe even doing some traveling with Cindy and seeing a little bit of the country if we can afford to do it.

So all in all life is still good and I am still thankful for another trip around the sun. Looking forward to the coming journey.


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