I mostly stay away from making political post because right now I think people have lost their collective minds. I am not kidding you when I say that I am flabbergasted when my conservative friends, some that I know are smart and thoughtful people. Tell me that they can’t see where Donald Trump has a personality disorder or has slandered our state in particular and the south in general with his distasteful comments about Jeff Sessions. I can’t understand how his disrespect for the POW’s and for Senator Mccain who didn’t dodge the draft is okay. Just saying “look at Obama or crooked Hilary DOES NOT excuse The Donald.
But, that being said I also am not a Colin Kaepernick fan. He’s an asshole of the highest order. He wore piggy socks when Dallas Policemen were gunned down and he praised Castro (talk about a repressive regime) while standing in Miami where countless Cuban’s who were displaced because of Castro’s policies live. Look, I am not a flag waving bible thumping blue blood republican. But, I have zero respect for Colin Kaepernick. He indeed did say he didn’t respect the flag and that is indeed why he kneels. So, please spare me the “he knelt out of respect bullshit.”
Now you might agree with him and that’s fine. I don’t but you are free to kneel or spit or wipe your ass with it if you are sorry enough to do that. It’s actually one of the things that make America great. But, remember that flag also flew when “white people killed other white people over slavery.” That flag also flew when black people were sent to the jungles of Vietnam and gave their lives for this nation that indeed has a history of oppressing them. But, the flag itself is the one thing that unites us as American.
No, it’s not perfect. But, it doesn’t stand for the killing of black people. I’m sorry to my hyper liberal compatriots but it just doesn’t. It stands for a nation and should we stand and salute it? No, not if you don’t want to. But, please stop the hypocrisy that Colin sacrificed everything because he sacrificed NOTHING. As a football fan I can tell you he was a dried up bench rider who was on his way out of the N.F.L. and actually did have offers from teams including the 49ers that he declined.
Now, I say that to say this. No, I won’t boycott Nike. But, on the other hand the next pair of Nike I buy will be the first pair I’ve ever bought. So, they don’t get my business anyway. But, I don’t boycott things out of political agendas. I’m not going to deprive myself of a Chick Fill A sandwich or Ben and Jerry’s chubby hubby ice cream or anybody’s coffee or my next Stephen King novel or old Clint Eastwood movies or watching classics like Blazing Saddles just because I disagree IF I disagree with the politics of the creator of the product.
So, if you love Trump then go ahead but please know that some of us question your reasoning power or at least your honest objectivity when you defend his making fun of people or degrading of others.
If you love Colin because it makes your lilly white ass feel a little better to get a pat on the head while fellow liberals call you a “good white person” then go ahead and love Colin.
I try to treat people the way I want to be treated. I don’t talk with African Americans differently than I talk to Irish Americans or Hispanic Americans or any other human on this planet. I think the far right lunacy and the far left lunacy are tearing this nation and maybe even this world apart. But, hey maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it’s just growing pains and society and humankind are about to take a great leap into an evolved species that will do away with war and racism and nationalism. I honestly don’t know.
I don’t write things just to piss people off. But, my honest opinion (as far as anybody else cares) does tend to manage to piss off both liberals and conservatives. I’m kind of proud of that because I don’t have to fake it.
Peace. ✌
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