Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Things I think I think.

Things I think I think:

1.       One of These Nights is the album I would want to have with me if I could only have one album with me on a desert island. It’s the Eagles and it’s one of those teenage angst memories for me. I got the 8 track of this one lonely winter night in my youth and drove around and listened to it for hours.

 One of these dreams
One of these lost and lonely dreams
We're gonna find one
One that really screams…Eagles


2.       Stephen King is the greatest and most unique writer of his generation. Luckily for me I already was a voracious reader from my youth. I say that because in high school for a lit class I was made to read “ Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens. I remember thinking “if this was the first book I had ever read. It would have killed the love of reading right then and there. Sorry, it’s just true. However, if as a young person 100 years from now I was made to read “The Stand” by Stephen King as an example of mid to late 20th Century Literature I might just develop a taste for reading. Sometimes our schools and institutions take the most amazing things and make it as dry as dust and then wonder why our youth are stupid. Our youth aren’t stupid. Their often bored.

 “Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home.”
Stephen King, The Stand


3.       I really want Midnight Train to Georgia to be played at my funeral. Seriously.  The beat the incredible voice of Gladys Knight and the harmony of the original Pips. I had a friend who once said life is like a bus. At the last stop you get off. But, I think life is more like the midnight train. At the end you go home and find yourself after all.

He's leaving
On that midnight train to georgia
(leaving on a midnight train)
Oh yeah
Oh y'all
Said he's going back to find
(he's going back to find)
A simpler place and time…Gladys Knight


4.    Clint Eastwood movies are the most visceral or gut kicking. Who doesn’t at one time or another wish they could just deal out sweet justice to the bullies and bad men. Give the woman hitters and child abusers and the oppressors their due. As we say in the south “Give your heart to Jesus cause your ass belongs to me.”

Get your popcorn ready.


5.    Remember to breathe. Life goes so fast. I remember two ladies from a long time ago talking one day at work. I worked for Etowah County Tax Assessor back in those days. These were “friends” but they really talked at each other. One day I  remember one of them regaling her friend with some bit of her life that was fascinating to her. But, her friend could barley stay still with the urge to relate something “more important” from her own life. When the first lady finally stopped talking? Her friends response was “Okay” and then she launched into the tale she had been waiting to relate with barely any real understanding of what her friend had just said to her. We talk at each other and over each other. If I can just get you to listen I’m sure I can MAKE you understand why my politics, religion, outlook on life and death are true. So, I’ll wait and maybe the other person will shut up and I can lead them to see “the truth.”


people have more fun than anybody, except for horses, and they can't.”…Needful Things..Stephen King.



Anyway, just ramblin. I hope 2017 brings all who read this (and especially me) all the good things and hope of the year and the years ahead. God Willing.



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