Hi God! Yeah, it's me
again. Ya know that little secret stuff I fret over so much? Yeah, I
know you are never surprised with me. Still, I was raised "in the
church" as we say in the south. So, I carry around a lot of guilt
whenever I check in with you. Liberal Christian? Well, yeah I do say
that and I mean it. But, when I approach you I still kind of get the big
daddy in the sky who judges me feeling. Just can't quite let that go
even if I don't really believe all the dogma of my raising. Weird huh?
No? Well I'm glad you understand because I don't. Oh yeah, the reason
I'm here today? That would be you right? ;-) Well you did give me this
sense of humor ya know. Theology? No, not today. I'm not real sure I'm
up to it right now. I don't know the ultimate purpose of the universe. I
think right now I'll just be.
You know this body has some
tingles and pains and limitations I didn't even know about back in the
day. Well, I sure couldn't do some of the party stuff I did then. I do
thank you that I didn't do any long term damage. I sure could have.
Anyway, now where was I? Oh yeah, now I remember.
I do
understand that people are afraid. I know that scared people can be
heartless and even cruel. I understand that it doesn't always come from
their "best selves." But, I am so frustrated at how good decent people
speak so easily of turning children away or shooting people.
I actually have heard the "put up a fence and shoot em as they cross
over line." WWJD? Never that? Well, you don't have to tell me.
Middle East thing? Yeah, they all are of the same part of the planet.
Yeah, I know it sickens you when they act like it's a sporting event
instead of a real world life and death struggle with real flesh and
blood and real limbs being blown apart. Anyway, what about here?
you remember Reagan? Oh, yeah I bet he and JFK are having a grand ole
debate over who's the better Irishman. Ya know my family name has a bit
of the old country in it's heritage. Point? Oh yeah, the point.
ya see back in the Reagan years the U.S. did some stuff that Uncle
Ronnie thought was OK at the time. Now, we are getting some refugees and
the people who loved Uncle Ronnie don't love the refugees. Children?
Millstones and better not to have been born than to harm one of these? I
don't think that's for this situation. How do I know? Well, that's what
the GOP "God's own party" What? Oh, I'm sorry. No, I will never say
something that stupid again.
Well, anyway I did feel like I
needed to check in. Sometime, I just need to rest. Sometime I just need
to look the devil in the eye and not be afraid. So, I see heartless and
ignorant statements in your name. I see death and misery and hunger and
abuse. Why doesn't it make me turn away from you?
I also see you in every grain of sand and every drop; of spilled blood.
I see you in the waiting rooms and the death and hunger in this world. I
see you in my own doubts and I know that you are the place and being of
my rest.
I don't know what else I would like to say right
now. I just thought I'd talk a little and hang out with you for a
minute. I'm looking at the road I've traveled. It's shorter in front
than it was when I was younger. No? That hill up there, isn't that the
home stretch beyond it? Trust? I have thought that. Maybe we are on an
eternal journey and that hill will reveal the road isn't about to end
after all.
Remember back in Walnut Park when I was a kid?
Yeah, my ole banana seat bike. Man, I wish I could see it again. :-) I
would "pull" the hill on Stonewall Avenue heading up to Chester Street. I
would fly back down Stonewall later that day. Anyway, I'm pulling this
hill and I wanted to make sure I still have you in case I need a push.
Thank you. Do you mind if I kind of walk a little closer for a minute.
Just until I'm ready to get back on my bike and pull this hill. Yeah, it
feels good. You too? Wow!
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