Last week I found a wonderful blog. It gives me hope that Christianity really will grow and expand instead of dying on the vine with the Pat Robertsons and right wing zealots of the world. I see where some young folks have not abandoned the faith of their youth but are transforming it from the dry and dead bigotry of their elders. Anyway, I posted a link because it made some points wonderfully. Points about giving and caring for the poor and all that "hippie Christian stuff" that the right is so sure is sinful and communistic and heretical. Anyway, I posted it because I really like it and like most humans on the planet I agreed with it so I called it good. ;-)
However, to be honest apart from the linking of other post I am worn slap out by the state of American politics right now. I see people who truly need health care who can't get it. I see people who are slaves to a coorporate mentality who can't follow their heart because if they lose their job they lose their health care. I see politicians getting a pension for life after retiring from "serving." Lawd, I wish I could "serve" somebody for 150,000 a year and get a pension and take tax funded trips to Europe. But, anyway with that I also see the nation giving billions of dollars out like candy to "Muslim Brotherhood" and to Israel's defense and to ram a government that they don't want down the throats of people in the middle east. I saw a president start two wars and there was nary a peep from the good tea party type folks that we were wasting billions and billions of dollars a week and destroying untold lives with bombs and bullets. Both ours and theirs. Then the other side once they "own" the bombs started talking about how we needed to start another intervention. For the good of humanity don'tcha know?
The difference is that this president (love him or hate him) did listen and he backed off the war drums at least for now. Anyway, the folks who didn't think it odd to spend billions on bombs and bullets and giving money to other countries think it's horrible to even think about giving a child or an old person or even a young person access to health care. You can always justify it but you better not think too deeply about it.
Anyway, I got a response from two types of friends. One I could understand. I disagreed but I still got it. One was raised in an upper middle class family with cousins by the dozens and a supportive family. No knowledge there of wondering if there was a can of tuna in the cupboard growing up to fix a sandwich with. That type person I can at least understand feeling like they do. They were born on third base and think they hit a triple. :-)
It was the other friend that I lost it with. I admit it. I gave a snarky ugly reply and acted like a jerk. Why? Because I was just so damn tired of the far right attitude toward people who disagree with them. So, tired of people claiming Christ and acting like Ayn Rand. Also, this particular friend is not able to work and has several health issues. If not for the "liberal" hippie types he wouldn't be able to get medication. He is also is trying to get disability and Medicaid insurance and basically be able to live a better life. I truly hope he makes it. But, at the same time there was this nasty "stupid liberal" theme running through his post that I just lost it with.
I finally ended with the comment that for somebody who needs Medicaid and health care and food, to vote conservative republican is like a black person joining the KKK. Should I have said it? No, I wish I hadn't. Do I believe it? Yes.
The one thing I do wish the Christian church would do? Well, if you are gonna say "we shouldn't use the government to feed and clothe people" then at least be consistent. You also need to say "we shouldn't use the government to tell people who they can marry" or to tell a woman what she has to do with her body. Not that I like abortion, just that it is not my call. At least not outside the religious community. But, I digress.
Anyway, agree or disagree I am honored that you took the time to read this. I'm afraid my friend won't see this one because (and I really can't blame him) I wasn't very graceful the last time somebody "posted" on something I wrote. I'll try to do better.
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