I often screw up and try to discuss religion or politics with my family and old friend's. Not a good idea in the age of Facebook snappy comebacks and emojis. But, once in a while I like to discuss issues of interest in certain Facebook groups. One thing I've always done as a young person that I don't do in my later years is haunt libraries. The Gadsden Public Library staff used to go ahead and put the newest Stephen King novel on hold for me because they knew I was coming. 😉 I also stayed in the stacks devouring books about God, science, reincarnation, life after death and UFO's.
But, most folks these day's don't have time and neither do i to read every book or watch every YouTube video on a subject. But, while doing chores and exercising I enjoy listening to YouTube podcasts. So, I thought I would blog about my top 3. These are the 3 that if I were beamed aboard a UFO and had to show where some of my later life worldview came from I could probably find at least some discussion of it.
So here are the top 3 podcasts I would recommend if you're looking for deep thought and serious dialog on things your Very Christian Mother or Very Atheistic college professor won't discuss with you. ✌
1. Jeffery Mislove "New Thinking Allowed." From reincarnation to a professor of a major university to Simulation Theory to Mind at Large.From priest to doctor and psychedelic use for enlightenment. This is an excellent podcast. Jeffery Mislove has been at this since the early 70's and is the only (as far as I know) Person ever awarded a PHD in parapsychology from an accredited university. I believe it was The University of California/Berkley but I could be wrong.
2. "Buddha at the Gas Pump" by Rick Archer. In depth interviews with people traveling the spiritual path. From Christianity in the Thomas Merton mystical tradition to Eastern though such as Buddhism, Hinduism and students and teachers and researchers along the path. From reincarnation as Eastern philosophy to Western university and clinical studies. Lots of normal people just sharing their journey. Not for everyone and often I find some of it tedious. But, real diamonds in the mix.
3. "Theories of Everything" with Kurt Jaimungal.
Last but probably the best. Very in depth interviews with thinkers, scientists, UFO researchers, Materialistic scientists, Life after death, Consciousness, atheism, personalities and mystics. These are often 2 to 3 and 4 hour multi part interviews.
Now I have no guru and no religion or authority to sell you. My journey is on going and while I do have my own worldview it is just that. My worldview. Not something I demand that you believe in order to please my version of God or science or reality.
But, if you like to dip in and out of the latest thoughts and thinkers. If you wonder if there is anybody talking about things you believe in or are interested in beyond people screaming at you on Facebook. Then here are my top 3 podcasts to get started.
For now. My journey and my opinions are not changing with the wind. But they are open to change.
Peace! ✌