But I think the best thing that I was able to do was reconnect with my dad. I didn't grow up with my dad and we had some rocky roads in our relationship in my youth. I wasn't exactly "focused" as a young person. But, the last few years being able to talk with him and hear him tell me he was proud of me has been priceless . We got together and he was able to meet his grandson (my son)So, for me facebook is a God Send and I'm thankful for it.
I also have been able to reconnect with precious friends from my day's at West End and also from my day's growing up in Alabama City in Gadsden and my Sansom friends. I'm not a young man anymore and I don't have to pretend to be cool or try to impress so it's just fun to connect with old friends on a human level.
I also have been able to connect with author's of books I've read that I will never get the opportunity to meet in person. I am always impressed that somebody who has done research or written something I'm enjoyed will take the time to interact. Honestly, I get more introverted as I get older. So, I am more than happy to socialize via the internet and messenger and text and facebook as opposed to having to go out and do the awkward introductions and small talk of socialization. I was talking to an old friend from my youth via messenger and she said another old friend from our youth was really shy these days and didn't want to talk to anybody on the phone or socialize. I said I can understand because I've gotten more introverted as I've gotten older. Places I used to go and things I used to do seem a million miles away now.
I also get to talk with people who research subjects such as reincarnation and even far out subjects such as UFO's and so to me the ability to connect with so much of the world and have real time interaction with people who have some of the same interest is awesome.
I have been interested even as a young person in what happens at death. I have faith and I understand that for many people their involvement in church gives them all the spiritual food that they want. I don't have a problem with that as long as they don't think that I am obligated to follow their dogma. I been there and have the T-shirt. But, I have been interested in the research in consciousness and the very real possibility that some research points to that we indeed are more than a biological machine or as I once heard someone say " A Meatbot."
Some people are surprised to find that there really are credible scientist that take the concept of reincarnation and ESP and life beyond the brain seriously. If anybody tells you that there is no scientific proof then they are correct. There isn't proof. But, if they say there is no scientific evidence then they are either honestly wrong or willfully lying.
The university of Virginia has a whole department dedicated to reincarnation study and there have been studies done at such diverse places as Stanford and Duke and even the U.S. Army pertaining to remote viewing and consciousness beyond the body. So, yeah I do enjoy the possibilities of the universe.
I also love classic rock and I find groups on facebook for my favorites such as the Eagles and other bands and artist's from the sixties and seventies. Youtube is like a time machine when it comes to concerts from back in the day.
I am a sports fan and I love to get on the Crimson Tide pages during football season and the Braves pages during baseball season. So, yeah I do enjoy this brave new world of technology.
I used to think I like to discuss politics. But, these day's it's gotten so nasty and personal that I try to avoid it for the most part. But, if you want to go there you can find a facebook page with your own particular "echo chamber" where you can demonize all who disagree with your teams' political agenda. You're welcome to it.
One of the good things about facebook and the internet is being able to connect with people who have the same interest that you do. There are places where you can discuss your love for college football or Shakespeare or theology that maybe you would otherwise not be able to talk about without traveling to a symposium or a convention. I know that most of my family and friends don't really like to talk about Stephen King's latest novel or if I really saw a UFO in Northport, Alabama several years ago. So, it's nice to have a page or two that I can go and discuss it.
The other thing is being able to blog about stuff. I like to write things down and it can help me to think and ponder my own world view.
So, the next time somebody tells you that you are wasting time on social media just remember that it has it's good points as well as it's negatives. Because even with all that I've written here there are still day's when I just need to unplug from the grid and walk out in nature and meditate and talk with God and just be.
Balance is the important thing. At least I think it is. That and don't forget to breathe.