What follows is not the same as my prayer life or meditation. But, sometimes I wonder what would it be like to pour myself a cup of coffee and just open up to the universe? To God? Now, I'm a liberal Christian to say the least these days. But, my background and my touchstones are still very much in the Christian tradition even if I'm a little left of center and a little heretical these days. So, the following is my dialog or my coffee with Jesus.
It got a little intense at times and I had to kind of back away from some stuff. But, would anybody really expect anything less? I mean how much concentration on universal issues can a person stand at one time? Me? I think I'll relax and think about classic rock albums next time. :-)
Me: It’s been a little while since we talked much. I do a
lot of meditation these days and try to find my center or being. I don’t worry about one size fits all
religion much. But, every once…
Me: Something like that. I was sipping coffee the other day
and thought of a web cartoon called Coffee with Jesus. I thought well that
might be a good thing to schedule.
Jesus:“Might be. But, as you know I don’t always schedule these
things in “Oith time.” J
Me.: I love it when you do my favorite Bugs Bunny with the lines
with the correct accent from my
childhood Saturday morning cartoons.
Jesus: “ I know.” "I love to see you laugh.
Me: Oh God, I love it.
Jesus: "Hmmm.”
Me: Sorry, I meant Oh Gosh. J
Jesus"OF course you did.”
Me: So, I was thinking about life the other day. I have my
own opinions ya know. Well, I do. But, anyway I always see people saying they
believe in God but once someone dies? Even if they were 95 and had dementia the
first thing people say is: So Sad. But, if we really think we are continuous beings
then is it really sad?
Jesus"The universe is kind.” “Love never fails.” Need anymore
slogans to get you through the night?
Me: So, I gotta wait and see? Well, the way I suspect the
universe is, I have to wait and see again?
Jesus: “Here’s the thing. Remember the way the Sunday School folks
tell the “Temptation thing? I mean in that one this dude ( we call Satan) comes
up and I have a Superman “S” on under my cloak. So, I immediately know who he
is and I have all this information. So, I say (Cue Charleston Heston voice) “Get
Thee Behind Me Satan.” Then her runs off and the angels come down on their snowy
wings and I’m good.
Me: Not that simple
Jesus: "Is life ever that simple?”
Jesus: “think of it this way.” You’re hungry and cold and maybe the
money is getting low. Maybe, you didn’t get the girl or the boy depending on
who you are. You’ve lost family and friends and you are doubting the very
existence of a creator or reason for the universe. Then you start to “think” Now maybe these are
your own thoughts or maybe they come from somewhere else. Doesn’t matter. It’s
going on in your head and you have to deal with it.
Me: You mean you don’t get to see the guy in the red suit
and the pitch fork? You have to battle your own inner demons? Your own thoughts
and fears of oblivion and just being here one minute and gone the next? Was it
worth it? Was it long enough? Did I get my share of money, sex, love,
health? What happened to the golden years?
Jesus: “That and more.” Thoughts like am I crazy? Did I really think I
saw a vision of Moses? Did I really think I was somehow close to God and able
to move mountains with the faith of a mustard seed? Is this all there is? What
did I miss? What did I lose? Why not just say #$%^ it and be done with it?
Me: Yeah, something like that. Did you just cuss?
Jesus: “That was more you than me but, you get my point.”
Me: So the Sunday school version is a little simplistic huh?
Jesus: "Do you want to really know the cost of life on this planet?
How it really works? Do you really want to know about crosses and wars and
Me: Ya know, I think I’d rather just sing “Jesus loves the
little children” and be done with it.
Jesus: “Yeah, most people would.”
Me: “Well, how about that Crimson Tide?”
Jesus: “Think about what you just said?”
Me: Ooops. Sorry. :-o
Jesus: “It’s okay. I know you’re from Bama.” J
Me: I had a dream
once. You remember? I was standing on the shore of a really freezing river.
There you were with me. At least it seemed to be you. But, there you were on
the other side. You know how dreams are. So, I had the thought “Jump in.” But,
I said: If I jump in I’ll freeze to death. I’ll die. Then I had the thought: Go
on. Jump in. I did.
Jesus:“I do remember.” Your body was dying wasn’t it?
Me: It was freezing to death. It was dying.
Jesus: “But, what about you?
Me: My spirit was soaring. It was awesome. I was so elated
and words are hard to come by to describe it. My spirit was or “I” was alive.
Jesus: “Many times it works like that.” The body is dying but you
will come to a place where you are soaring.
Me: I look forward to it and dread it at the same time.
After all. Those thoughts which may be mine or may be from somewhere else. It
doesn’t matter. It’s going on in my mind. Doubt and fear and old prejudice and
weakness and worry. When does it stop?
Jesus: "Well, there’s this river. But, I have to warn you. It’s
mighty cold.
Me: One more sip of coffee and I think I’ll be ready for the
day. Can we do this again?
Jesus: "Anytime.” You want
to talk about football next time?
Me: I guess not. But,
it would be easier.”
Me: Say, I don’t have to go searching for my cross do I?
Still time right?
Jesus: "Well, no you don’t have to search for your own cross.” Time?
Well, time is relative.