Sometimes I wish I had a job where it didn't matter what the $/& I said or did. I don't like being responsible for or in a position of responsibility for what and when other people eat. I don't want to decide when an old person should be in a nursing home. I don't want to know about the hungry kids or the abused woman or the stinking poverty that people live in. I don't want to know that a child is living in a house literally surrounded by shit because the @#$%#$ sewer overflowed and the landlord don't care and the minimum wage job the dad works can't feed a family of four. There they are Church. THEY HAD THE Babies. THEY DIDN'T ABORT THEM. PRAISE JESUS. What? you don't want to expand Medicaid because it's a hippy liberal handout? You think they should get off their lazy asses and get off the food stamps. Raising the minimum wage will make it worse? REALLY! I've never said this because I do have conservative friends that I truly love. I've never said this because Jesus said Love is patient. Love is Kind. Love never fails. But, you know what I want to say to you right now? From this little 5"4 Hippy liberal social worker? FUCK YOU! Now go back to the smug little Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson wet dream of heaven. But, I needed to rant today. I hope I don't lose friends over this. But, on the other hand. I've seen babies living in shit. I've seen daddies who can't pay the rent. I've seen momma's who can't buy their child a birthday present. I'm Tired. So Tired.
I just want to drive a $#&@# crane or put round pegs in round holes and go home every night and curse out the ump or referees on my widescreen t.v.
Jesus Wept!